(2010.Oct.18 07:29 PM)Ushanewnewba Wrote: [ -> ]Opinions about mods by those with at least three warnings from different moderators do not carry much wait.
Yeah when you can spell weight correctly and mod properly and have a valid point you can try again.
Point being, be respectful, no coarse language, no working around language filter, no obscene photos, etc... and you will have no issues with moderators.
I dont believe that a mod who logs in "every so often" can have these opinions. A mod should be on the forums several hours a day, minimum.
(2010.Oct.18 07:45 PM)Brugada Wrote: [ -> ]I dont believe that a mod who logs in "every so often" can have these opinions. A mod should be on the forums several hours a day, minimum.
Ush, you're just mad we're calling you out again. Go back to your cave with Sam and Weebs.
Also for reference, thats all I've ever gotten that I've ever seen. I still think Zenith should actually stop in an explain why there are mods that are not ever here to mod or mod in a biased manner.
Ush do you know what the word bias means?
(2010.Oct.18 07:29 PM)Ushanewnewba Wrote: [ -> ]Opinions about mods by those with at least three warnings from different moderators do not carry much wait.
you want suggestions, feedback, and constructive criticism, and you give a response like this....
if mods want respect, try giving a little...
comments like that won't help your cause, it is more than likely to make your job as a mod worse than easier...
but its not like Ush cares, he logs into the forums 3 times a week for a cumulative time of about 10 minutes....i guess if i didnt care about the people i worked with and barely did my job i'd make a real dickhead comment like that too

(2010.Oct.18 09:46 AM)Duchbag69 Wrote: [ -> ]Jolabent has modded me in the past I believe. Don't know if i've gotten a warning from her, but the only mods i can remember i've gotten warnings from are Ush, Dru, and Weebay...
Weebay was a good mod, until that whole mess...
(2010.Oct.18 07:13 AM)BadLuck Wrote: [ -> ]My problem with Jola is they only mod when they feel like it, and I've never seen them mod a gang members posts.
Just to clarify this:
Batman Pyramids (+2) 2010.Aug.17 08:45 PM 2010.Aug.19 08:45 PM Jolabent
Duchbag69 sexual remarks (+2) 2010.Apr.11 11:25 PM 2010.Apr.13 11:25 PM Jolabent
Duchbag69 Disruptive, inappropriate behavior (+4) 2010.Apr.11 10:42 PM 2010.Apr.13 10:42 PM Jolabent
Duchbag69 Inappropriate Language (+2) 2010.Mar.04 12:05 AM 2010.Mar.04 02:05 AM Jolabent
These are all my gang members and were my gang members when these were handed out.
in fairness to the mods, i have seen bconrad warn and ban ppl in sw. jola and joker also ban their gang mates. maybe its time for a general forum to be started. one with no warnings for ppl to stay on topic. that is the reason most ppl come in here, to see what others are saying to offend. they can still be modded for pg13 and language. just open to slang each other. what do you think jola?
(2010.Oct.18 10:31 PM)GlennQuagmire Wrote: [ -> ]in fairness to the mods, i have seen bconrad warn and ban ppl in sw. jola and joker also ban their gang mates. maybe its time for a general forum to be started. one with no warnings for ppl to stay on topic. that is the reason most ppl come in here, to see what others are saying to offend. they can still be modded for pg13 and language. just open to slang each other. what do you think jola?
I posted earlier in this thread, I don't have an issue if it is in Off the Wall, as long as it follows the PG13, language, picture rules. I very seldom moderate stuff in the off the wall section unless it has some of these issues or the original poster requests us to keep it on topic. This way if you guys want to take the thread totally off topic, there is no harm done. Warnings are not coming because people stray off topic at all, it is the pyramiding pages of pages of quotes, working around the language filter and NON PG pictures.
(2010.Oct.18 10:37 PM)BadLuck Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Oct.18 10:25 PM)Jolabent Wrote: [ -> ]Batman Pyramids (+2) 2010.Aug.17 08:45 PM 2010.Aug.19 08:45 PM Jolabent
Duchbag69 sexual remarks (+2) 2010.Apr.11 11:25 PM 2010.Apr.13 11:25 PM Jolabent
Duchbag69 Disruptive, inappropriate behavior (+4) 2010.Apr.11 10:42 PM 2010.Apr.13 10:42 PM Jolabent
Duchbag69 Inappropriate Language (+2) 2010.Mar.04 12:05 AM 2010.Mar.04 02:05 AM Jolabent
These are all my gang members and were my gang members when these were handed out.
Fair enough.
When I was in DM she gave me a one week forum ban for being to awesome.