2010.Oct.29, 06:25 AM
(2010.Oct.26 09:25 PM)Brugada Wrote: [ -> ]Verbal attacks on mods (+3 points)
And then you have POS mods give fake warnings. These are are regular mods who can log in as modbot and give these to protect themselves. And still give no explanation or reason or mail or PM. There was no verbal attack on mods. There was no verbal attack. Keep appointing these type of people Zen, and allowing them to run free and pull BS like this and you will watch your game and forum slide down hill even more than it already is.
You cant even PM the idiot modbot? WTF?
No verbal attacks on mods....? Wow.......I guess the current coven of Mods are getting sensitive. What a bunch of feces. This will really make me step back and think if I want to continue play this GAME............
Mods are public servants not overseers........