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I'm not convinced that 'we' don't care about hijacked threads...I think it varies depending on the person, how good the hijacking is, and the original purpose/location of the thread. A lot of times I see occasional posters' threads get hijacked and they just fade away and stop posting - I'd say those people do care very much that they were hijacked, they've just given up.
(2010.Oct.15 05:47 AM)Jolabent Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Oct.15 12:35 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]Maybe having active mods.
What do you consider active?
Removed post
Rules of this thread:
1) This thread is not to bash mods and tell us how bad we are doing, we want to attempt to make members happy.
OK here is what I try to do, Hijacked threads? sometimes I just remove the non sense. Close threads? Only on request. Moderate posts? Only if they are worthy contributing posts that can be cleaned up. Warnings? I have only given a warning to Bconrad so far. Moderate? We all do so in moderation. Not everyone is the same and we will not always be consistent.
If you post vulgarities then you will receive warnings. If you have to press the quote button to post even if your replying to the post right above you (I do this all the time), Then you might receive a warning from Ush. I will only warn people for pyramids if it is obviously deliberately building it to ruin a thread but more than 5 would be excessive. If you are Inpace I might delete your posts just to save your face. If you are caught aiding Inpace to post you will be shot on sight.
(2010.Oct.15 09:15 AM)Dingus Wrote: [ -> ]Hmmm what to do for lunch today.....
Have soup, it's winter.
How about just having a big 'off topic stuff' thread into which you can banish off toic replies without deleting them and ruining the dumb fun of them.
That way the original thread stays uncluttered and the off topic jazz that people are enjoying is just somewhere else where they can keep enjoying like happy jam faced children.
(2010.Oct.15 09:09 AM)Monk Wrote: [ -> ].
What about The Ultimate Great Pyramid??? many points can get if I use it???...just askin'

(2010.Oct.15 11:54 AM)Weathers Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Oct.15 09:15 AM)Dingus Wrote: [ -> ]Hmmm what to do for lunch today.....
Have soup, it's winter.
How about just having a big 'off topic stuff' thread into which you can banish off toic replies without deleting them and ruining the dumb fun of them.
That way the original thread stays uncluttered and the off topic jazz that people are enjoying is just somewhere else where they can keep enjoying like happy jam faced children.
This makes sense!
I think that the most interesting conversations we have here are began by going off track.
(2010.Oct.15 12:33 PM)klaw16 Wrote: [ -> ]I think that the most interesting conversations we have here are began by going off track.
(2010.Oct.15 11:58 AM)Batman Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Oct.15 09:09 AM)Monk Wrote: [ -> ].
What about The Ultimate Great Pyramid??? many points can get if I use it???...just askin' 
I think this moderation issue could be relatively easy to fix.
I received a warning last might for working around the language filter. Ok no problem no big deal however in discussing this particular warning with Tue mod that gave it to me he made very loose allusions to a sort of mod code and not when it comes to whatbdoes or doesn't need to be nodded but when it comes to how the warnings work in a progressive discipline fashion. Now if this is the case make that information public. If I misinterpreted it then develop one come up with a set of guidelines. Trust and believe I understand that if I post something that is out of line ill get into e-trouble however the fact that I can post something on Monday and get it removed and then the exact same thing two weeks down the road amd get banned for two weeks is a little bit drastic. Set something up so that ppl no exactly what's coming there way when they post something this will also help with the consistent others are upset about bc with a public lust of consequences then not even the loss can screw it up.
I also personally think the way the warnings are set up is a total sham. I'm at 60% for 3 days for working one word around the world filter. Ok ask l that basically means that anything even remotely off topic through the next 3 days will get me banned. If you want to set ppl up for failure and be bamned and unable to poat then simply remove the forum and this entire discussion is a mute point. I personaly thing minor infractions should last longer +1, +2 give em a week or two.+6,+7 give it a day. Most of the ppl I've seem post "bad" stuff on these forums do it in streaks myself included so you don't need to have them at way a way high warning level for says bc that's just irritating. Keep them from Doing it then and there and they cool down as a general rule of thumb.
If its something that is absolutely terrible put them in the cue that jola referred to a few weeks ago where there post has to be approved by a mod but again only for a short period.
Monk you're a cool dude and all that jazz you're my homie. But you're are an absolutely horrendous mod.
Im willing to try it. Also I am the greatest.
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