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Time to pwn some mods
(2010.Sep.17 09:51 AM)Monk Wrote: [ -> ]Neutral


the mod thread thing is kind of funny

i bet bird can fill the whole first page...theres a goal
In all fairness I do think we have one good mod. If a mod is doing their job properly they shouldn't be noticed unless something really out of line pops up on the forum(much of which happens in retaliation to over modding).

The fact that overmodding is a regular discussion should mean something. It also seems that the same mods are usually complained about, and most of the time they appear to be on a power trip. This causes player retaliation, the bash threads start up again, then the mods say all you do is mod bash. My idea is that some of the mods step down, the ones I'm referring to are relatively inactive players anyway and are late to things that actually should be modded. It's like they mod the game for something to do while they're online, not to keep the forums from crossing a line.
(2010.Sep.17 01:40 PM)bebopcrew420 Wrote: [ -> ]In all fairness I do think we have one good mod.
Thanks. Winky
(2010.Sep.17 03:19 PM)Monk Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.Sep.17 01:40 PM)bebopcrew420 Wrote: [ -> ]In all fairness I do think we have one good mod.
Thanks. Winky

It ain't you......


Lol it aint you
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