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SK sucks a fat Don't bag!
(2010.Sep.18 07:43 PM)ditallica Wrote: [ -> ]To wraith and bebop, If you hate the game so much and are dissatisfied with the management, there is a simple solutions to your problems. Just quit the game. Obviously you are still here, so quit the bitching

If I hated the game I wouldn't have donated 100 bucks in the past week. I just remember a time when the game was in rapid development and it was a lot more fun. Good ideas are posted all the time and they seem to be ignored, just trying to make a point. Maybe by being a little mean I could try to wake zen up, I feel I care more about the game at this point then she does.

To zen, sorry for calling you a lair. I can't prove it and that was unnecessary. I think the idea of having people outside of the game modding the forum is extremely unbelievable, and if it's true they're doing a poor job. I hope you don't split your profit w/ them.
You take something new and you can build on it as fast as you can get material. You build something up to top form, it's hard to catch another level to push further into success.

Good ideas to some might not be good ideas to others. It might be another reason for people to cry and say 'Who gives a crap about this?' It's Zenith's decision.
True, but the ideas aren't responded to, most of the time. If she got on and said, "I'd rather not do this because..." it wouldn't bother me. It's not that I'm not getting my way, it just seems there's a certain level of neglect
If she's read it, you should be happy that she's giving it the time of day. You don't have to talk about something to give it a once over.
(2010.Sep.18 09:52 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]If she's read it, you should be happy that she's giving it the time of day. You don't have to talk about something to give it a once over.

If she took the time to read it, maybe she could take the time to respond to it. My point is if it isn't responded to then maybe she didn't read it.
Do you expect a future employer to come to you about the job you're wanting? Or do you create a follow up asking about the job?

I'd say the same scenario, along with a touch of 'If the mail was opened, the mail was read.'
nevermind, you're arguing for the sake of arguing. I've said what I have to say, think of it what you will
Hmm. If you think I'm looking to argue and attempt to make you mad, I'm really just trying to make you understand that there's a world outside the 'She's ignoring me' box you've put yourself into. You should express your interest with someone after they've had sufficient time to give a lookin' at. I don't expect an immediate response from anyone about anything that could help shape the future.
(2010.Sep.17 03:19 PM)Monk Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.Sep.17 01:40 PM)bebopcrew420 Wrote: [ -> ]In all fairness I do think we have one good mod.
Thanks. Winky

Last night any other mod would have butchered the threads and tried to control the "mutiny". Instead monk played along with it and rolled with the bs, defusing the situation instead of fueling it. So, you're welcome Wink
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