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I don't there would be as many inappropriate posts if people weren't bored from the game going stale. Little more progress improving the game might promote more positive discussions. Very quick to jump on the forum to defend your mods, but when people try to come up with ideas you're nowhere to be found.
(2010.Sep.18 12:11 PM)zenith Wrote: [ -> ]There are several mods that players don't even know about.... they are either non-players or someone you know who won't even mention it. Let the conspiracies begin.

Then how come there are posts that should obviously be modded that go unmodded for almost 24 hours? Does your entire army of secret mods go on break at the same time? You are a straight up liar.
(2010.Sep.18 04:26 PM)bebopcrew420 Wrote: [ -> ]I don't there would be as many inappropriate posts if people weren't bored from the game going stale. Little more progress improving the game might promote more positive discussions. Very quick to jump on the forum to defend your mods, but when people try to come up with ideas you're nowhere to be found.
(2010.Sep.18 12:11 PM)zenith Wrote: [ -> ]There are several mods that players don't even know about.... they are either non-players or someone you know who won't even mention it. Let the conspiracies begin.

Then how come there are posts that should obviously be modded that go unmodded for almost 24 hours? Does your entire army of secret mods go on break at the same time? You are a straight up liar.

Great post.
(2010.Sep.18 04:26 PM)bebopcrew420 Wrote: [ -> ]I don't there would be as many inappropriate posts if people weren't bored from the game going stale. Little more progress improving the game might promote more positive discussions. Very quick to jump on the forum to defend your mods, but when people try to come up with ideas you're nowhere to be found.
(2010.Sep.18 12:11 PM)zenith Wrote: [ -> ]There are several mods that players don't even know about.... they are either non-players or someone you know who won't even mention it. Let the conspiracies begin.

Then how come there are posts that should obviously be modded that go unmodded for almost 24 hours? Does your entire army of secret mods go on break at the same time? You are a straight up liar.

Why in the world would you devote your energy to having outside mods? You
(Zen) should be devoting your energy to improving gameplay not dealing with this crap. You are resting on your laurels.

Stop talking to us and do something for the game.....otherwise let it die and we can have fun somewhere else........... Kinda tired of waiting for you to get off you ass and do something. If this was the real world.......YOU WOULD BE FIRED.

No offense to you Zen........Just sayin......
(2010.Sep.18 04:26 PM)bebopcrew420 Wrote: [ -> ]You are a straight up liar.



(2010.Sep.18 07:38 PM)BrokenGlass Wrote: [ -> ]Why in the world would you devote your energy to having outside mods? You
(Zen) should be devoting your energy to improving gameplay not dealing with this drek. You are resting on your laurels.

Stop talking to us and do something for the game.....otherwise let it die and we can have fun somewhere else........... Kinda tired of waiting for you to get off you arse and do something. If this was the real world.......YOU WOULD BE FIRED.

To wraith and bebop, If you hate the game so much and are dissatisfied with the management, there is a simple solutions to your problems. Just quit the game. Obviously you are still here, so quit the bitching
who complains about a text based game? nobody is putting a text based gun to your text based head.
(2010.Sep.18 07:43 PM)ditallica Wrote: [ -> ]To wraith and bebop, If you hate the game so much and are dissatisfied with the management, there is a simple solutions to your problems. Just quit the game. Obviously you are still here, so quit the bitching

Why would they do that? There's so much more bitching to do. If people took that advice, nearly half of the AL community would be ducking out and finding themselves a new, fresh game. Like their own Yoda fiasco.
(2010.Sep.18 07:45 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.Sep.18 07:43 PM)ditallica Wrote: [ -> ]To wraith and bebop, If you hate the game so much and are dissatisfied with the management, there is a simple solutions to your problems. Just quit the game. Obviously you are still here, so quit the bitching

Why would they do that? There's so much more bitching to do. If people took that advice, nearly half of the AL community would be ducking out and finding themselves a new, fresh game. Like their own Yoda fiasco.

lol speaking of yodas game, i clicked on his link, and i saw only like 5 people are active players. and like 100 total people who have signed up for his game.
(2010.Sep.18 07:43 PM)ditallica Wrote: [ -> ]To wraith and bebop, If you hate the game so much and are dissatisfied with the management, there is a simple solutions to your problems. Just quit the game. Obviously you are still here, so quit the bitching

Okay.........Zen can you include a delete account option......? I double dog dare ya......and if you do make sure there is forum thread dedicated to post all deletions......

Trying to get the game improved ditallica............
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