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(2010.Sep.18 03:43 AM)jgrea4 Wrote: [ -> ]Lol it aint you

it seems someone forgets quickly about talking shit to stronger players....
(2010.Sep.18 06:36 AM)InPaceRequiscat Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.Sep.18 03:43 AM)jgrea4 Wrote: [ -> ]Lol it aint you

it seems someone forgets quickly about talking drek to stronger not one or even close to being one. so dont worry about me because teamPBR even gets me still.

Sad Redface
(2010.Sep.18 12:57 AM)BrokenGlass Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.Sep.17 03:19 PM)Monk Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.Sep.17 01:40 PM)bebopcrew420 Wrote: [ -> ]In all fairness I do think we have one good mod.
Thanks. Winky

It ain't you......

I was just so sure. Redface
(2010.Sep.18 07:05 AM)Brugada Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.Sep.18 06:36 AM)InPaceRequiscat Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.Sep.18 03:43 AM)jgrea4 Wrote: [ -> ]Lol it aint you

it seems someone forgets quickly about talking drek to stronger not one or even close to being one. so dont worry about me because teamPBR even gets me still.

Sad Redface

he is one nasty level 10.
Maybe Carl Weathers could be a mod.
Whats with all the mod threads anyways. Once I become a mod everyone wants a piece.
(2010.Sep.18 10:31 AM)Monk Wrote: [ -> ]Whats with all the mod threads anyways. Once I become a mod everyone wants a piece.

Gotta tear you down. Hopefully, you can handle it better than Wraith.
(2010.Sep.18 10:31 AM)Monk Wrote: [ -> ]Whats with all the mod threads anyways. Once I become a mod everyone wants a piece.

I'm thinkin' about becoming a mod. Not a joke to get some shock, this time. lol Just need to calm down in the forums, which has already happened since the war hasn't been under me.

So...Who wants to get a head start on the crying that I won't pay a lick of attention to? Of course, unless it's actually an important cry. Like 'dude, he just posted that my Mom has cankles and I dun like it' or 'There's some dongs floating about in the thread, might wanna go shoo 'em off.'
(2010.Sep.18 11:19 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.Sep.18 10:31 AM)Monk Wrote: [ -> ]Whats with all the mod threads anyways. Once I become a mod everyone wants a piece.

I'm thinkin' about becoming a mod. Not a joke to get some shock, this time. lol Just need to calm down in the forums, which has already happened since the war hasn't been under me.

So...Who wants to get a head start on the crying that I won't pay a lick of attention to? Of course, unless it's actually an important cry. Like 'dude, he just posted that my Mom has cankles and I dun like it' or 'There's some dongs floating about in the thread, might wanna go shoo 'em off.'

Just because I'm a mod becoming one won't make you cool.
Not looking to be cool, though tits do put me at an advantage. lol
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