(2010.Aug.31 08:29 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]Time to be repetitive.
First it's Bender, now it's Spacebird. You fight when others fight for you, which is pathetic. Grow a pair and fight you own battles.
That about cover it?
no you forgot the homo joke. fat guts. bird is in off his own bat. not gunna say we aren't happy with his decision but had nothing to do with us. tommi crying cause someone can hosp him... sv attitude coming through.

I'm actually glad that he's doing so much work. Your whole gang's gone soft and boring. All you ever do is sit in the hospital until someone's there to lead you by the hand in what to do.
I'm going to refer to you as no-balls from now on. Alright, no-balls?
(2010.Aug.31 08:40 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]I'm actually glad that he's doing so much work. Your whole gang's gone soft and boring. All you ever do is sit in the hospital until someone's there to lead you by the hand in what to do.
I'm going to refer to you as no-balls from now on. Alright, no-balls?
meh, say what you like fat guts. bender is now online, i have been in and out of hosp even before bird got involved. as the prez of a gang that has maybe one player that can hosp more then half your gang i would suggest that my balls and size are not gunna be questioned. fat guts.
It's funny that you're talking about being in and out of the hosp all day, yet it took this thread to get you to do something other than grope your own ass.
Thanks for letting me get to your gang, no-balls. We've already won. This is just a formality, kicking your skulls around like soccer balls.
AAAANNNNDDDD boring hosp war is still boring as fu.ck BTW
(2010.Aug.31 08:46 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]It's funny that you're talking about being in and out of the hosp all day, yet it took this thread to get you to do something other than grope your own arse.
Thanks for letting me get to your gang, no-balls. We've already won. This is just a formality, kicking your skulls around like soccer balls.
lol, we never will surrender so how can you win. even if you guys stop we continue. waiting for your surrender when you have had enough. fat guts.

You surrender every day when Bender's offline and sleeping. If spacebird hadn't come, and this thread never came up, you guys would be groping yourself and pretend to cop-a-feel.
If you don't believe me, look up the definition of surrender and submission.
(2010.Aug.31 08:52 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]You surrender every day when Bender's offline and sleeping. If spacebird hadn't come, and this thread never came up, you guys would be groping yourself and pretend to cop-a-feel.
If you don't believe me, look up the definition of surrender and submission.
dude you are the one hiding in jail. pay the 25 creds and come get me. dt. fat guts.
No credits. I don't donate for wars like your worthless brother.

No AP either, so go back to hiding in the hospital, no-balls.
(2010.Aug.31 08:57 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]No credits. I don't donate for wars like your worthless brother.
No AP either, so go back to hiding in the hospital, no-balls.
you got stims? still waiting e-tough guy.
hypocrite....... fat guts.
Name: BenderPuffsThisD [8431] Donator: 26 Days Left
User Class: Human Member
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Gender: Male
Signed Up: June 20, 2007 6:41:54 pm
Last Active: August 31, 2010 10:01:29 pm
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Location: Downtown Decatur
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Gang: Super Villains
In hospital for 241 minutes. Reason : Hospitalized by assgasm.