More like they've put it in their 'Reference Material' folders. They need to get their nut off somehow while they're cuddled up to their catheter bag in the hospital.
(2010.Aug.31 01:40 PM)Dingus Wrote: [ -> ]The only facts known are:
a) you are fat
b) you long to bang a bunny
(Must suck to come from poor genes)
C) your dog sucked
Oh, there are more facts than jut these...
Plenty of facts in the world, and you guys pick all of the falsities.
Good job. Proof of being dunces and worthless human beings.
It would be 'fallacies'.
It can be both, but I wouldn't expect a dunce like you to catch on.
I will buy and sell you.
KlawesomeGary Hosp Win 9 7 2,642 331 310 1025
Pun's the only one who's gotten me today...
Wait, nevermind...
2:06 am BenderPuffsThisD hospitalized you.
depressed much?
Tommi, your comedy is as bad as Red Skelton's
There's no comedy here. There's facts. Facts about your guys losing a war you started and being too stupid to surrender said lost war.
It's nice to finally see some participation, though. Bender finally loan you some money to get stims and nimbus? Or did you have to dip into your housing fund?