(2010.Aug.31 03:55 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]Should post the logs where you come online afterward and sit there in the hospital in fear of another smack.
Right cause the smart thing is to stim with no EP.
You a f ucking idiot and I'm finished with your stupidity.
(2010.Aug.31 11:10 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Aug.31 09:41 AM)johnsonhalo76 Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Aug.31 07:05 AM)klaw16 Wrote: [ -> ]Still looking lopsided to me...
22175 SV DrZoidberg 38 229 Hospitalized by BenderRodriguez.
27102 SV JREwing 27 210 Hospitalized by BenderRodriguez.
8431 SV BenderPuffsThisD 43 198 Hospitalized by BenderRodriguez.
5916 SV BendoverRodriguez 46 182 Hospitalized by BenderRodriguez.
110 Xavier Halcon NPC 170 Hospitalized by TheCapedCrusader.
26653 {EADP} Scammer 20 156 Hospitalized by SSNimbus.
30185 {EADP} GlennQuagmire 42 149 Hospitalized by DrZoidberg.
5907 {EADP} Dingus 42 138 Hospitalized by DrZoidberg.
35870 SV Leela 23 137 Hospitalized by MrPapagiorgio.
22174 SV Jackal 37 128 Hospitalized by BenderRodriguez.
25760 {EADP} JohnnyForeigner 31 127 Hospitalized by PlanetExpress.
23112 SV FrdKngCbra 36 127 Hospitalized by BenderRodriguez.
20470 SV Nibbler 36 112 Hospitalized by BenderRodriguez.
26379 SV URL 23 88 Hospitalized by BenderRodriguez.
20332 SV Jhiieri 32 87 Hospitalized by BenderRodriguez.
18940 SV Infinite93 38 75 Hospitalized by BenderRodriguez.
27214 SV List 27 70 Hospitalized by BenderRodriguez.
4468 SV Chance 45 63 Hospitalized by BenderRodriguez.
4747 SV PlanetExpress 40 60 Hospitalized by BenderRodriguez.
25868 SV HUNT3R 36 50 Hospitalized by BenderRodriguez.
19166 SV Mosqtark 36 47 Hospitalized by BenderRodriguez.
25642 SV VIP3R 31 40 Hospitalized by GlennQuagmire.
37442 {EADP} HookTheBulldog 8 33 Hospitalized by PlanetExpress.
now if you take out VS except for me who are all spread out waiting this out under my orders looks like bender is still doing everything. and like i said earlier either it's my whole gang or none of us so friends or not i'm getting myself involved
edit for spelling
Holy shat, I didn't notice that until now. I was about to put out that we were all sleeping while they feverishly blasted away at our unconscious bodies, but this is way more juicy.
New MVP of EADP: MrPapagiorgio
Good job, man. As for the rest of you hypocrites, get out of the hospital and lose already.
(2010.Aug.31 10:31 AM)Leopard Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Aug.31 06:31 AM)Joshiwa Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Aug.31 06:23 AM)dnbrocks Wrote: [ -> ]8431 SV BenderPuffsThisD 43 241 Hospitalized by BenderRodriguez.
5916 SV BendoverRodriguez 46 225 Hospitalized by BenderRodriguez.
24042 VS Hawaiian 23 195 Hospitalized by analSHUNT3R.
30185 {EADP} GlennQuagmire 42 192 Hospitalized by DrZoidberg.
5907 {EADP} Dingus 42 181 Hospitalized by DrZoidberg.
23112 SV FrdKngCbra 36 170 Hospitalized by BenderRodriguez.
20470 SV Nibbler 36 168 Hospitalized by Dingus.
35189 VS AndyC16 9 151 Hospitalized by Dingus.
26379 SV URL 23 131 Hospitalized by BenderRodriguez.
20332 SV Jhiieri 32 130 Hospitalized by BenderRodriguez.
35216 VS TheFonze 24 123 Hospitalized by Dingus.
18940 SV Infinite93 38 118 Hospitalized by BenderRodriguez.
27214 SV List 27 113 Hospitalized by BenderRodriguez.
4468 SV Chance 45 106 Hospitalized by BenderRodriguez.
22913 VS CobraCammando 18 94 Hospitalized by Scammer.
25868 SV HUNT3R 36 93 Hospitalized by BenderRodriguez.
19166 SV Mosqtark 36 90 Hospitalized by BenderRodriguez.
37746 VS gingerbandit 8 83 Hospitalized by Scammer.
25642 SV VIP3R 31 83 Hospitalized by GlennQuagmire.
37715 VS Haakon 6 78 Hospitalized by Scammer.
26573 VS PhilipJFry 32 76 Hospitalized by GlennQuagmire.
21544 VS PsYcHoTiC 34 75 Hospitalized by GlennQuagmire.
34344 SV ProfessorFarnsworth 23 69 Hospitalized by GlennQuagmire.
30215 SV CrazyJoker 32 62 Hospitalized by BenderRodriguez.
12286 SV LordNibbler 35 60 Hospitalized by BenderRodriguez.
22174 SV Jackal 37 56 Hospitalized by BenderRodriguez.
26800 SV RunAwayTrain 27 43 Hospitalized by BenderRodriguez.
hmmm....dnbrocks, you sure put a lot of people in that hosp....oh wait a sec. No, no you didn't do any of it. I see how you help in this war. Good job man.
it is rather pathetic that it is two guys vs 2 gangs
especially since some eadp guys (dingus) can take out almost all of SV
Who're you again?
It's Bender vs. SV, anymore. EADP's just sad that we beat them up during the 4H Fair and needs a target they can actually beat up. SV's way too much for them, according to Glenn and his cronies.
Quit being hypocrites, EADP. Fight back against your REAL target. Not a gang that isn't in this war to begin with.
hmm... just like you guys did when h4h owned your ass. who is the real hypocrite? fat guts. i see your homo comments are still cuming out of your mouth. its sad that you open yourself up to both sex's and you still get knocked back. eadp homo.
Go ahead and call the cavalry, tit smear. We all know you can't handle yourself.
(2010.Aug.31 04:10 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]Go ahead and call the cavalry, tit smear. We all know you can't handle yourself.
we are the cavalry. after 8 days don't you think if we had back up it would have arrived? nope just eadp and bender verse the douches at sv and their sad lil training gang.
Name: SuperDouche [22175] Donator: 14 Days Left
User Class: Human Member
User Level: 38
Gender: Male
Signed Up: April 7, 2008 1:41:42 pm
Last Active: August 31, 2010 5:12:30 pm
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Location: Downtown Decatur
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Health Status: Healthy
Gang: Super Villains
never have i seen a name that sums up his gang better. good job.

Bender is your cavalry, and he's offline. EADP doesn't do much of jack. Look at you. Still sitting in the hospital, not wanting to get punk'd again.
(2010.Aug.31 04:13 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]Bender is your cavalry, and he's offline. EADP doesn't do much of jack. Look at you. Still sitting in the hospital, not wanting to get punk'd again.
i had all these pages of forums to catch up on. wow tommi made 200 posts and 197 of them had homo refferences in them. 1 of them was almost funny. keep trying and one day you may move from epic failure to just failure. fat guts.
You really read it all?
Well, get out of the hospital, duder. Time to get some beatings.
(2010.Aug.31 04:23 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]You really read it all?
Well, get out of the hospital, duder. Time to get some beatings.
wow another non homo post. i am proud of you tommi.

I'm not proud of you. You're still in the hospital.
I'm actually waiting for you to use Harry's excuse of not jumping out of the hospital with no EP after coming online from being offline.