(2010.Aug.31 04:25 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]I'm not proud of you. You're still in the hospital.
I'm actually waiting for you to use Harry's excuse of not jumping out of the hospital with no EP after coming online from being offline.
i want you to keep refreshing for me. i have other things to do, unlike you. fat guts.

Like marking down how many jokes involving you, your gang, or your brother face down submitting for dong there are.
ID Name Level Minutes Reason
21392 JLR BenderRodriguez 63 439 Hospitalized by WilliamR.
27265 {EADP} BasementDweller 39 289 Hospitalized by AmyWong.
25760 {EADP} JohnnyForeigner 31 178 Hospitalized by blockedbybabybender.
26653 {EADP} Scammer 20 167 Hospitalized by BenderPuffsThisD.
11690 {EADP} IDGAF 36 128 Hospitalized by BenderPuffsThisD.
10821 {EADP} KlawesomeGary 38 122 Hospitalized by WilliamR.
25642 SV VIP3R 31 106 Hospitalized by BasementDweller.
19738 {EADP} Aquarius 33 100 Hospitalized by blockedbybabybender.
16071 {EADP} Spamalopian 19 99 Hospitalized by blockedbybabybender.
35870 SV Leela 23 98 Hospitalized by BenderRodriguez.
12286 SV LordNibbler 35 73 Hospitalized by BasementDweller.
35578 {EADP} keddiec247 24 67 Hospitalized by RunAwayTrain.
30185 {EADP} GlennQuagmire 42 54 Hospitalized by SuperDouche.
31500 {EADP} MrPapagiorgio 31 49 Hospitalized by SuperDouche.
35065 {EADP} analSHUNT3R 35 42 Hospitalized by BenderPuffsThisD.
3271 {EADP} Shade 37 40 Brutalized by RunAwayTrain.
24426 {EADP} JushinLiger 27 36 Hospitalized by SuperDouche.
9587 LCBO DrunkenNinjas 40 34 Lost in combat to JudgeDredd.
23047 |7|Laws| BlackHand 50 33 Lost in combat to Conrad.
35216 VS TheFonze 24 32 Hospitalized by BasementDweller.
20420 |7|Laws| Juice 35 27 Lost in combat to MrFitz.
19939 ReluctantDreamer 31 26 Lost in combat to stevieh.
5907 {EADP} Dingus 42 25 Hospitalized by AmyWong.
25376 DM ColdBeerHere 36 23 Lost in combat to ALisYourOnlyReality.
35788 |T|S|L| CootieQueen 18 19 Lost in an individual gang battle to Mephistopheles.
108 Nap Olecat NPC 19 Lost in combat to BlackClouds.
11527 istayfly1020 8 18 Lost in combat to SicknessxThexKlown.
1633 |T|S|L| Sylo 18 18 Lost in an individual gang battle to Mephistopheles.
37519 onVacationbeeetchz 20 17 Lost in combat to NeYo.
1524 MoishaSan 32 17 Lost in combat to Tess.
26044 *WOLF* TealJade 45 16 Lost in combat to ALisYourOnlyReality.
23839 -BAD- SCBraga 38 16 Bit off more than they could chew with HOODEDAFTERMATH.
6270 OnHolidayInTheSun 33 16 Lost in combat to BigRod.
3459 OutOfHisMindAgain 31 16 Lost in combat to MrFitz.
26084 -BAD- Mephistopheles 22 15 Lost in an individual gang battle to RaInA.
16450 -BAD- Wolverine 38 15 Lost in combat to DARKC0DEX.
9184 -0-0-0- Smiley 40 14 Lost in combat to OnwardToward55.
3529 grabtindy 30 14 Lost in combat to JudgeDredd.
29195 SP^CE bconrad56 35 13 Lost in combat to Analgasm.
18338 Mace 47 13 Lost in combat to OnwardToward55.
34344 SV ProfessorFarnsworth 23 6 Hospitalized by BasementDweller.
8958 FinalFantasyXI 31 6 Lost in combat to DeathScythe.
111 Jay Miranda NPC 6 Lost in combat to Rafal.
16918 KurRupt 31 4 Lost in combat to BigRod.
10206 drfc1879 30 3 Lost in combat to NastyFO.
5477 Trash DarthNader 14 3 Bit off more than they could chew with Alatar.
2735 SilverSurfer 32 2 Lost in combat to OnwardToward55.
(2010.Aug.31 04:42 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]Like mark down how many jokes involving you, your gang, or your brother face down submitting for dong there are.
oh Fat Guts, you are so predictable. so what time should i expect your daily mail asking us to surrender? if you guys have had enough then post your surrender in the forums and on your gang page. you know the drill.
I give you the option because, as much as I'd love to see your gang quit from lack of being able to play, I'd rather not see you guys quit the game over something stupid.
We'll never have enough of seeing Harry rage in the forums when he gets owned. We'll never have enough of seeing you guys laying up in the hospital, screaming at your computer screens because you can't live your lives.
Text-based hospitals are totally horrifying...
(2010.Aug.31 04:53 PM)w00k Wrote: [ -> ]Text-based hospitals are totally horrifying...
They seem to comfort EADP.

They're more scared of the e-bullies kicking their e-teeth out their e-holes.
(2010.Aug.31 04:54 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Aug.31 04:53 PM)w00k Wrote: [ -> ]Text-based hospitals are totally horrifying...
They seem to comfort EADP.
They're more scared of the e-bullies kicking their e-teeth out their e-holes.
it seems that bender is having a bigger impact on your gang then you guys are on ours. how many of you guys change your name to whine about him kicking your asses? glad to see he is having an impact on you.

Taunting is whining? Guess to an idiot, it would be...
Glad to see what side of the fence you're on, Glenn. Stay there.
Name: GlennQuagmire [30185] Donator: 9 Days Left
User Class: Human Member
User Level: 42
Gender: Male
Signed Up: March 6, 2009 4:17:12 am
Last Active: August 31, 2010 5:59:37 pm
Last Action: 17 seconds ago
Online: Online
Days Old: 543
Location: Downtown Decatur
Friends: 60
Enemies: 27
Physical Info
Health Status: Near Death
Gang: E A D P
In hospital for 194 minutes. Reason : Hospitalized by BenderPuffsThisD.
Ouch. Time for another 3 hours of waiting for you to stim out and actually do something other than attack someone who's been offline for a while.
(2010.Aug.31 04:59 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]Taunting is whining? Guess to an idiot, it would be...
Glad to see what side of the fence you're on, Glenn. Stay there.
Name: GlennQuagmire [30185] Donator: 9 Days Left
User Class: Human Member
User Level: 42
Gender: Male
Signed Up: March 6, 2009 4:17:12 am
Last Active: August 31, 2010 5:59:37 pm
Last Action: 17 seconds ago
Online: Online
Days Old: 543
Location: Downtown Decatur
Friends: 60
Enemies: 27
Physical Info
Health Status: Near Death
Gang: E A D P
In hospital for 194 minutes. Reason : Hospitalized by BenderPuffsThisD.
Ouch. Time for another 3 hours of waiting for you to stim out and actually do something other than attack someone who's been offline for a while.
wow, you are my e-hero. i am proud of what we are doing. you guys have been the bullies of al for far too long. i am so happy that i can be part of the group that stands up and tells sv to go fornacate a goat. we will NEVER surrender. will refresh the forums page in the expectation that you have forum trolled as usual and posted 3 seconds after i do. fat guts.