(2010.Aug.31 02:57 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Aug.31 02:56 PM)mblume Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Aug.31 02:55 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]Don't remember. You should tell me, since you're trying to look up my information again.
lol @ trying
Thanks for that.
yeah, the internet is easy bro. anything can be found on anyone without much effort.
You've been in here all day barking, but all I see is this:
25642 SV VIP3R 31 210 Hospitalized by BasementDweller.
12286 SV LordNibbler 35 177 Hospitalized by BasementDweller.
35065 {EADP} analSHUNT3R 35 146 Hospitalized by BenderPuffsThisD.
35216 VS TheFonze 24 136 Hospitalized by BasementDweller.
34344 SV ProfessorFarnsworth 23 110 Hospitalized by BasementDweller.
26379 SV URL 23 85 Hospitalized by BasementDweller.
25868 SV HUNT3R 36 74 Hospitalized by BasementDweller.
34491 SV DragonLady 22 62 Hospitalized by BasementDweller.
35189 VS AndyC16 9 28 Hospitalized by BasementDweller.
31500 {EADP} MrPapagiorgio 31 1 Hospitalized by BenderPuffsThisD.
Way to keep me down brah
Everyone's going to get some hits in, if they try. It's a good thing you're still trying, but you're weak and cheap. You'll be stuck in the hospital without stims and nimbus soon enough.
Information that isn't meant for you isn't meant for you.

(2010.Aug.31 03:06 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]Everyone's going to get some hits in, if they try. It's a good thing you're still trying, but you're weak and cheap. You'll be stuck in the hospital without stims and nimbus soon enough.
Information that isn't meant for you isn't meant for you. 
Everything has a price. EVERYTHING.
Yep. Like your surrender. How many millions have you guys spent so far?
(2010.Aug.31 03:08 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]Yep. Like your surrender. How many millions have you guys spent so far?
lol. millions?
Uh oh. Someone's not answering.
Fact: You went from running around every district and stimming after every time someone shat on you, partially helped by MrPickles who ran out about the third day, to hiding out in the hospital in wait for Bender to save you.
(2010.Aug.31 03:21 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]Fact: You have been hitting us since this started, and continue to do so.
I agree, and just as many SV are in the hosp today as were the first day this started.
After how many days of your WHOLE GANG laying down and taking a beating?
Keep going, though. I like seeing you participate in your war. Shame you and Bender are the only ones doing work, though.
Edit: Attack someone who's online, Harry. Maybe don't fail as hard, too.
Name: BasementDweller [27265] Donator: 1 Days Left
User Class: Human Member
User Level: 39
Gender: Male
Signed Up: October 10, 2008 2:07:07 pm
Last Active: August 31, 2010 4:27:20 pm
Last Action: 26 seconds ago
Online: Online
Days Old: 690
Location: Downtown Decatur
Friends: 53
Enemies: 43
Referrals: 1
Physical Info
Health Status: Near Death
Gang: E A D P
In hospital for 66 minutes. Reason : Bit off more than they could chew with Nibbler.
Name: Nibbler [20470] Donator: 14 Days Left
User Class: Human Member
User Level: 36
Gender: Female
Signed Up: February 20, 2008 2:46:34 pm
Last Active: August 31, 2010 12:44:02 pm
Last Action: 3 hours 44 minutes 16 seconds ago
Online: Offline
Days Old: 923
Location: Downtown Decatur
Friends: 47
Enemies: 33
Physical Info
Health Status: Healthy
Gang: Super Villains
2 things...
Stop kissing my ass
Don't make me post logs with you hosping me while I sleep
Should post the logs where you come online afterward and sit there in the hospital in fear of another smack.