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fuck me long hosp times
23757 -FIGHT- TheDevilsReject 32 106 Got swarmed by Leprechauns!
i think phish was above me yet
huh. i got a clover already... killed 13 also.
First try 170 Hosp minutes,
what are these clovers good for does it say? i didnt read the description just hit attack...
said something about luck, i just skimmed hopefully i'll get enough to sell for a decent profit. i'd like to know about rewards, tags and such, not that i stand a chance at winning
They turn you into leprechauns, so you get multiple criticals when breaking in people's knees or using people's nuts as a speed bag.
I stomped about 15 of them into the ground and not one clover.

Total Leprechaun's Defeated : 22
Clovers Found : 1
Random Leprechauns are running loose all over Awakened Lands today. They are normally very rare to see, but today they are out in swarms. Catch some in the act and wipe them off the map! No one can truly kill a Leprechaun, but if you smack them around enough, they disappear in a puff of clovers. Find any four-leaf clovers in the aftermath and they will provide you luck! Clovers will be rewarded AFTER the contest as usable items.
Leprechauns Defeated: 19
Clovers Found: 3
My best so far.
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