killed over 1100 total and found about 40 clovers....shifty little bastards, they were.
(2010.Mar.18 06:45 AM)thehustler Wrote: [ -> ]so did anyone get more then 39 in one attack?
Killing more than 39 seem impossible.
My best is killing 17.
(2010.Mar.17 12:09 AM)zenith Wrote: [ -> ]Clovers will be similar to Candy Canes, but will provide a wider range of bonuses, not all related to combat. 
Now that the contest is over, what's the list? :-?!
I hope it give us + humanity
(2010.Mar.18 11:21 AM)ZeonOne Wrote: [ -> ]I hope it give us + humanity
you & me both, that would be sweet
(2010.Mar.18 12:01 PM)Leopard Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Mar.18 11:21 AM)ZeonOne Wrote: [ -> ]I hope it give us + humanity
you & me both, that would be sweet
Humanity we can sell to the highest bidder you mean-I have too much as it is!
it will be the first time hunamity can be bought... EVER xD.
and it seems that the chance of finding a clover on a leprachaun was around 3-5%... just some useless information lol