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(2010.Mar.16 07:49 AM)ZeonOne Wrote: [ -> ]I agreed

Inpace, if I sent your type of emails to settle disputes when I was around your level, I won't make it to level 50 today.

I tried your nice way the first time, and it obviously didn't stop Beza. So let the chip on his shoulder stay there. i am fine with that.


If thats the case Zeon i would be hosped 24/7 as well Wink.
(2010.Mar.16 10:38 AM)ShadowKid Wrote: [ -> ]If thats the case Zeon i would be hosped 24/7 as well Wink.

If I recall correctly, for a while, you were.
(2010.Mar.16 10:33 AM)InPaceRequiscat Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.Mar.16 07:49 AM)ZeonOne Wrote: [ -> ]I agreed

Inpace, if I sent your type of emails to settle disputes when I was around your level, I won't make it to level 50 today.

I tried your nice way the first time, and it obviously didn't stop Beza. So let the chip on his shoulder stay there. i am fine with that.

Started off with a mistake on Bez part, you reply with a nickname went to the wrong foot. But, you got a stim from me. This would've end it there.

Making a post in the forum is just too much, bro.
(2010.Mar.16 11:37 AM)ZeonOne Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.Mar.16 10:33 AM)InPaceRequiscat Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.Mar.16 07:49 AM)ZeonOne Wrote: [ -> ]I agreed

Inpace, if I sent your type of emails to settle disputes when I was around your level, I won't make it to level 50 today.

I tried your nice way the first time, and it obviously didn't stop Beza. So let the chip on his shoulder stay there. i am fine with that.

Started off with a mistake on Bez part, you reply with a nickname went to the wrong foot. But, you got a stim from me. This would've end it there.

Making a post in the forum is just too much, bro.

I appreciate your thoughts, and gestures, but fact is fact, I had enough respect for you to do as you requested, I apologized for a stupid statement, and actions.

When Beza made an un-necessary and pointless mistake, to him, it never happened. I know beza isn't a multi, zen said so herself, and I know the statement as such greatly gets under his skin. But I will martyr myself to jihad and back to prove a point.

If you expect someone else to admit they were wrong when they were, you should as well.

Beza is so full of himself he wouldn't even send a stim for a hosp, that you called yourself, unaccounted for.

EDIT: Messages sent to and from bezaleel and myself.

Last 10 messages to/from this player:
12:30 pm Sin is what I live for.
12:29 pm Unfortunately not in al, in rl sometimes, but here it's diff- new or old, you pay for your sins over and over again
12:27 pm I saw the date- but I I said, you are held accountable for anything you did or will do- it brings my name to the front, hosp! You should listen to puns advice, and as far as stims, buy th yourself or learn to keep your opinions to yourself
12:26 pm Now you are being unrealistic, and thick headed. You read an old post, thought it was new, and stepped out of line. Might makes right you said? Well, try a new way. Being right makes right.
12:24 pm Anything that makes it to the front of the forums with your name on it and it makes any ref to me - you get hospd , simple-
12:22 pm Just admit it, you thought that was a recent post, flipped, hosped, and then realized how old it was.

Send stims please.
12:22 pm You are going to really pitch a fit over a post 3 months ago?

Like I said, I was royally pissed back then. Zeon said you are not a multi, and if he said it, its true.
12:20 pm Jan 12 you used my name about going to zen about multi- zen knows my son, who uses his own cc to donate and isn't as active these days - she has had private emails with him in the past- so she knows that we aren't multis- you mention my name again and I'll guarantee you as many hospings as jaysin has/will keep getting
12:16 pm I know for a fact you are messing with me, because unless you are one of the serial killers in the Ukraine, T-pain, Jizz in my pants, or Puke In My Mouth, Your name isn't in a single post of mine.

The three messages missing from the log are as follows:

(from beza) BEZALEEL [20242] RE:RE:What did I say about speaking crap in the forums and using my name
Sent at: March 15, 2010, 12:15:11 pm
I assume you don't want to go through this again - do you?

(to beza) BEZALEEL [20242] RE:What did I say about speaking crap in the forums and using my name
Sent at: March 15, 2010, 12:13:19 pm
Sorry, I didn't know you were T-Pain.

(from beza) BEZALEEL [20242] What did I say about speaking crap in the forums and using my name
Sent at: March 15, 2010, 12:03:32 pm
Obviously you're looking for some serious hosp time

These messages came about a hour after I posted up the T-pain video, the puke in my mouth video, etc. I thought he was messing with me, as a hosp and a violin are the only way to make a practical joke, gay haunt aside.
Just seems like you don't know when to quit Inpace. I don't think this will help either.
Rule #1 of the internets (besides post a pic):


Everyone knows that, dude.
honestly inpace, if you started a thread like this about me(whether it's true or not), I wouldn't even be talking to you. You would be in the hospital for months. Besides the fact that you're way late bringing up ancient news, you should really wait until you can sorta compete with somebody before trashing them
(2010.Mar.16 11:57 AM)fngMalvos Wrote: [ -> ]Just seems like you don't know when to quit Inpace. I don't think this will help either.

I refuse to quit this game or this fight. When I am wrong, I admit it. When someone is pressuring me to admit I was wrong, with hosps, and then goes into the wrong but jumps up on a pedestal to justify it, FUCK THEM.

I will take every hospitalization Beza can throw at me.
(2010.Mar.16 11:58 AM)bebopcrew420 Wrote: [ -> ]honestly inpace, if you started a thread like this about me(whether it's true or not), I wouldn't even be talking to you. You would be in the hospital for months. Besides the fact that you're way late bringing up ancient news, you should really wait until you can sorta compete with somebody before trashing them

My bank account is more than capable in making up for my lack of stats.
(2010.Mar.16 11:58 AM)bebopcrew420 Wrote: [ -> ]honestly inpace, if you started a thread like this about me(whether it's true or not), I wouldn't even be talking to you. You would be in the hospital for months. Besides the fact that you're way late bringing up ancient news, you should really wait until you can sorta compete with somebody before trashing them

haha yup, i try not to piss off people who are stronger than me, they tend to impede development... generally the quiet ones get further ahead a lot quicker...
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