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(2010.Mar.15 07:40 PM)thehustler Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.Mar.15 07:09 PM)dnbrocks Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.Mar.15 06:06 PM)Brugada Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.Mar.15 05:58 PM)dnbrocks Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.Mar.15 05:54 PM)Brugada Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.Mar.15 05:46 PM)InPaceRequiscat Wrote: [ -> ]Convenient your son stopped playing shortly after suspicions in the game were aroused.

See, the problem with you is your might makes right philosophy.... It fails to take into consideration pride.

When I stepped out of line, i swallowed it. That's what real men do. wimps..... they just find a new way to excuse them from possibly being wrong.

Bring on the hosps madrefargre.

Dozens of player have made Zen aware of the multiple accounts and showed the mails where he admits it. Drop enough money like he did and you can do those things, favorites. He just hasnt logged into the other account in awhile.

That's right. You donate enough and I'm sure you would be able to get away with being a bot to.

Yep, just ask Dingus. His bot script is second to none!!
His truelly is a bot that won't quit.

he did try to quit... the smell of homo talk in forums brought him back... thanks brugada!!!!!

He like my tip, what can I say.
Won't even defend yourself? Whats the matter? Asshole.
(2010.Mar.15 06:49 PM)Duchbag69 Wrote: [ -> ]
(2010.Mar.15 05:54 PM)Brugada Wrote: [ -> ]Drop enough money like he did and you can do those things.

i do believe this to be true sometimes...

i'm not saying that i know or believe this to be true at all (i've donated a nice pot and don't feel i've ever had any preferential treatment, above and beyond the credits i purchase)but, even so, at the end of the day this is a business. and business' are mean to make money. you'd do your best to make sure the people that were bringing real money to the table didn't go elsewhere too.

and if you know some kinda dirty gossip you're not sharing, out with it motherfugger.
(2010.Mar.15 08:03 PM)Troopermccue Wrote: [ -> ]and if you know some kinda dirty gossip you're not sharing, out with it motherfugger.

FYI bird, many people claimed to have ''multi'' confirmation directly through either game mail, or gang mail, over the past year and a half or so.

Added to that, some post in the forums from the main person here wich do tend to bring the multi theory, like this:

March 08 - Mysterious cash disapearing from account. Yet says no one has access to it. Waiting for Zen answer. What happenned Zen?

Add to this that the guy threatened half of the forum users at some point, gang hopped from half the main gangs. Here are some forum moments.


Admitting being a hopper for many reasons...

May 08


Hating Tommie

mai 09


Threatening X Pats

june 09


He never did anything to me directly, but I think he's a sheetbag. Some donators have been fed jailed before. Zen did not use to care.

I just think she does not have the time or the ressources to run AL properly anymore (or the way we'd want it). Remember the coding promess of Jan 09? Check the date now.
yea, i wasn't speaking on topic, should know me better than that. was just taking an isolated comment and commenting on it. and you don't have to tell me about bezaleel...been there.

and yes, valid points as to what strides (or lack thereof ) the game has made of late. and just like the cyberware removal, the new attack code has been nothing more than a tease. sucks indeed.
(2010.Mar.15 08:19 PM)Troopermccue Wrote: [ -> ]yea, i wasn't speaking on topic, should know me better than that.

I do. Just wanted to get some reason for posting shit about him.

I've seen players getting in way more trouble for nothing.

I don't always like Inpace, but he's done way more good for this game than sheetbag here ever did.

Except the youtube video.
i dont blame zen for keeping donating multi's around...shite i'd let it happen too if i were her...
(2010.Mar.15 08:24 PM)JakeBlues Wrote: [ -> ]Except the youtube video.

(2010.Mar.15 08:03 PM)InPaceRequiscat Wrote: [ -> ]Won't even defend yourself? Whats the matter? icehole.

You sure got lippy after you aligned yourself with vs.
The multi hosped him and VS/SV does nothing....
(2010.Mar.15 08:28 PM)BlackHand Wrote: [ -> ]You sure got lippy after you aligned yourself with vs.

And don't think because you've been low profile for a while that no one remembers your a total dick
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