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Full Version: Hey Bezaleel
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(2010.Oct.06 01:11 AM)InPaceRequiscat Wrote: [ -> ]It was an old necro'd thread shaman.

jedi - you are right --- i didn't spent 20 mil on uniques... but your boomstick wasn't the only one I bought.

Uniques is good to have. But, they only give temporary boost. If anyone can afford it, housing and endurance is the key.
(2010.Oct.06 01:11 AM)InPaceRequiscat Wrote: [ -> ]It was an old necro'd thread shaman.

jedi - you are right --- i didn't spent 20 mil on uniques... but your boomstick wasn't the only one I bought.

Ok you bought a boomstick and something else by selling your ranch.
We are very far from the original topic. I'm going to lock this thread up. Not much else to say here anyhow.
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