(2010.Mar.07 10:54 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]You people could stop bitching and save up some cash for a few 1,000 credits. Probably take you about as long as it would to get to 90%, if you saved in game cash.
Just a suggestion, though. Go right on making a scene.
I would rather spend credits on endurance. Thats why I took the class for a chance to get intel.
I got the intelligence I needed for these courses when I was level 5.

I can't even take the classes yet. XD It ain't going to take some of the high level people very long to save up for credits...They'd rather act like it ruined their whole AL career.
(2010.Mar.07 10:52 PM)Joshiwa Wrote: [ -> ]This is all wrong. Zen please help us. I can't spend 50k+ career points on this (athletics career btw).
I've spent over a year getting to level 10 athletics and still haven't earned that many career points total.
Total Points Earned 44,474
Another suggestion; You could use your brains and figure out which career shells out the HIGHEST conversion of intelligence per career point...
But what would you all be if you used your brains? I wouldn't recognize any of you.
Tom your a high level medical, how about telling us what level medic you are and how many points it would take you to get from base 9 intell to base 11 intell.
I understood the point of these courses was to help those of us who could not afford to donate a ton to help get a little further ahead...between the amount of ap these courses take and the requirements such as intel they arent worth it for anyone to take....
if you do not need a weapon that requires intelligence it makes a ton more sense to throw your creds into endurance to give you better trains which help you stay competitive....
i guess i got the wrong impression with these courses as they seem to be more geared towards those players who already have fairly high intel and endurance...
not to mention the fact that i am giving up doing skills which have proven to be very beneficial...
(2010.Mar.01 01:28 PM)Joshiwa Wrote: [ -> ]Bump*
Zen could you at least let us know if you don't think 25k career points is too much to spend? Or tell us if you are working on some solution to this?
I averaged my weekend and normal days 180/150 and ended up getting 159 points a day. It would take me 97 days to earn 25k career points to get my intell to 10. Double that plus some to get my intell to 11...
stop feckin whining and save up some AL cash and buy the credits to up the INT. If that is what the course requires that is what it is. You are a level 40 FFS stop expecting to be given stats and try working at them.
I bought the credits and passed the class but I'm still annoyed that the requirement isn't listed. Shouldn't the class requirements be listed by now? It doesn't seem very hard to add "Requires 10 Intelligence" to the class description but maybe its more difficult than I think it is.