(2010.Feb.25 04:30 PM)zenith Wrote: [ -> ]As for the intel issue, I was expecting some use of career points to upgrade intel. I didn't think it was too much to ask to get the tiny amount needed to boost it...
25000 career points is not a tiny amount, neither is starting a new career and saving up 3125 from lvl one in that career. Zen could you address this please? We already paid $100k to enroll in the course so I don't think we should have to buy credits. The only requirement should be passing the first 4 college classes unless stated before hand, and it wasn't.
does anyone know if these two have requirements?
Chemistry 500
Computers Science 500
I think all three of these require 10 intelligence
Chemistry 500
Computers Science 500
Political Science 500
Zen could you at least let us know if you don't think 25k career points is too much to spend? Or tell us if you are working on some solution to this?
10 Rank of Intel is definitely not too much to ask for to pass a class. Very reasonable. I am for that.
However, a requirement description pop up box that's similar to the "Skill Description" is needed to clarify some of these surprises.
Thanks for answering Zen....I mean Zeon.
Know it's a little off topic, but as a person with 22 int, what the heck does it do? I know you can't pass a skill past your int, you need it to equip blunt weapons(which suck) and you get a tiny cash gain from crimes. But other then that it seems to be a huge waste of money compared to what you get from boosting end.
(2010.Mar.01 03:02 PM)bebopcrew420 Wrote: [ -> ]Know it's a little off topic, but as a person with 22 int, what the heck does it do? I know you can't pass a skill past your int, you need it to equip blunt weapons(which suck) and you get a tiny cash gain from crimes. But other then that it seems to be a huge waste of money compared to what you get from boosting end.
It does feel that way. Then again, you are probably one of the few individual who have enough INT to get 22 rank in blunt.
Once u get that, u will start liking the int boost idea.
(2010.Mar.01 07:01 PM)ZeonOne Wrote: [ -> ]It does feel that way. Then again, you are probably one of the few individual who have enough INT to get 22 rank in blunt.
Once u get that, u will start liking the int boost idea.
(2010.Mar.06 02:10 PM)Joshiwa Wrote: [ -> ]bump for an answer Zen.
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