(2009.Sep.27 12:55 PM)MrHyde Wrote: (2009.Sep.27 12:14 PM)peteycrack Wrote: im not hating on SV's it just so happened to be SV's who did it.
and with that we come to the point, if it had been any other gang who had done it to a player or one of ours, their would have been lots of patting off back, cheers, dancing in the streets, but it was the big bad who did it. I would love to see what was posted if we did even half the stuff we have been accused of over our time. 
I completely disagree. Anyone else and fed jails would have already happened. You guys aren't the big bad, if anything just the opposite. While I don't really care who, if any, Zen's favorites are, all of the afore-mentioned things are not on my mind
At this point, I've seen most people don't care about what you guys did, they are miffed that Zen completely side-stepped what was being asked. We want to get this fixed, if nothing else. If we did queue the server packets, you all say it is a tenth of a second or less that this window of opportunity would be open. Lets say all of our attacks are queued for three tenths of a second. So, basically my individual clicks take one and half seconds to load rather than just one? Not a problem for me.