(2009.Sep.25 08:47 AM)Dingus Wrote: (2009.Sep.25 08:42 AM)MrHyde Wrote: (2009.Sep.25 08:31 AM)Dingus Wrote: Takes a real man to admit wrong doing, doubt we will see any of that here
guess we will just have to life with your wine posts then, with no putting your hands up and saying ok you got lucky, we need to fix this. 
zen has known SV has been doing this for a very long time and has done nothing but enable them to have a greater advantage over other players. Why has this been kept secret? Now i know why people stop donating.
it was tick hunting that was executed so quickly by 3 people, that the battles all played out. It was not timed, it was as simple as knowing the second someone will be available and is common knowledge around the game...
As well MANY people have experience the same the through out the game.
If we could recreate it at will then he would have been mugged by 20 people each time!
So now I see where your in ability to understand comes in! You just don't read well... it was stated before, but let me spell it out for ya
I knew you weren't insane....