Anarchy is:
(1) Ignoring the guy on TV.
(2) A system (or disorganised coincidence of social norms) where people (or non-people) of all kinds (or unkinds), with many differing (or identical) beliefs (or unbeliefs) can live (or die) together (or separate) creating (or destroying) their own little (or large) habitats cohabiting with others (or living alone) as hermits (or socialites) unmolested (or molested) by people (or non-human animals) who think (or acting pre-intellectually) they should be living (or dying) a different (or the same) way.
(3) What happens on the first day of the January sales.
(4) The uneducated, disfunctional philosophy of a 14 year old skater who steals cheap magazines and lighters at Target.
(5) When you leave the kids unattended for more than three seconds.
(6) What happens inside my brain whenever I try to follow orders.
(666) The educated (arguable), functional (arguable) philosophy (arguable) of a 50000-year-old Frenchman with glasses whose excessive oldness allows him to make deep and meaningful, but totally illogical and contradictory statements like "Property is theft", "Property is impossible", "Property is liberty", "Anarchy is order", "Liberty is...order", etc... thereby implying that anarchy, which is his preferred system of government, is liberty, which is property, which is theft and impossible. I think.
(1) A bunch of pot-smoking hippies with ADHD.
We hate them because they don't share the weed with us