I would like to see something from the following list:
-Customizable bullet choices for the guns.
-Different houses give different benefits. f.ex. mug someone with a 5mill house might result in the house alarm going off, and the person mugging going to jail. Better house, better alarm.
-Defensive items, 1 time use. When activated sets a trap that can send attacker to jail, hospital or leave with unfinished business. Different prices, more expensive more effective.
-Drive-by hitting by whole gang on single players. Put energy points in to a gang drive-by fund, once enough points are received the whole gangs power bars are combined and you can attack one target, and hospitalize the target so that he cant stim out. (to help with attacking stronger targets in pvp gang wars)
-Interactive gang crimes with energy not ap.
-More crimes, interactive crimes with higher payouts, with chance of success determined on AP put into doing it and on attributes.
-Food/Drinks that for short periods of time increases power level on attributes.
-Crime spree button, costs 10% of total AP rounded up, you go on a crimespree around the city your in, you might get items, cash or busted or nothing. Risk vs Reward bigger in higher level zones. Chance to find rare items.
-Special abilities from work put into attributes, passive abilities that stick with you even tho you change line of work. Call it force of habit that people inherit from the work they do. Like people in military get Vigilance, a chance to spot attackers before they can do damage to you if they are stronger and run away. Higher level work, gives higher level of vigilance.
and so on