your full of shit zen
2009.Apr.17, 01:10 AM
RE: your full of shit zen
Post: #131
Wow, never figured you to be mean, Redz... Eek
2009.Apr.17, 05:37 AM
RE: your full of shit zen
Post: #132
Redz is still on his man period.......
2009.Apr.17, 08:03 AM
RE: your full of shit zen
Post: #133
He's definitely man-struating.
2009.Apr.17, 09:47 AM
RE: your full of shit zen
Post: #134
(2009.Apr.17 01:08 AM)redz28 Wrote:  
(2009.Apr.13 11:40 PM)zenith Wrote:  Sometimes I forget things. It never hurts to remind me.

Concerning your original question via mail, as with everyone else who complains that their attacks aren't registering the normal damage that they are accustomed to, it could be several things...
  • The new belts are quite powerful.
  • Defensive skills counter combat skills.
  • The various variables in combat that are temporary such as career bonuses and gang bonuses can lead to different results than you are used to.
I looked at your logs and don't see anything out of the ordinary. Sometimes randomness is just that, randomness. There are only 5 attack records in the database, and each one seems to show you getting stronger.

defensive skills dont counter attacking skills...i have 2 ranks in every defense skill,,yet i have not seen a reduction on the big crits ive been hit with,,,or that i resist more..actually i havent even seen an improvement with my 5 ranks in axe,,,the new axe btw is just a copy of the longblade...but i guess you already knew couldnt even code up a new axe and forgot about it in you copied the new longblade and passed it off as a new axe

shows me getting stronger? no bonus 200 damage,,used the bous like 6 times and still 200 damage?tell me how the code isnt flawed? and how come you never even said a word to me in return?...miss il look into it ?

yes i brought this into the forums for all to see,,,not for everyone to reply too

guess esl counts for 90% of the AL im not suprised

[Image: cry_baby.jpg]
2009.Apr.17, 09:50 AM
RE: your full of shit zen
Post: #135
(2009.Apr.17 08:03 AM)DebbiePinson Wrote:  He's definitely man-struating.

That is really raunchy sounding,,,ugghh

funny as crap though....
2009.Apr.17, 09:58 AM
RE: your full of shit zen
Post: #136
Hello, Redz.

Each rank in a weapon skill raises your damage, where, in turn, you need a rank in all 3 defensive skills to negate 1 attack skill.

Now, lets do some math. I've got 6 long-blade. -2 for your defensive skills. Leaves 4. Which is a higher number? 2 or 4? Still stronger after the deductions.

The more you have, the more things go back to normal for you, so keep working.
2009.Apr.17, 10:08 AM
RE: your full of shit zen
Post: #137
(2009.Apr.17 09:58 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote:  Hello, Redz.

Each rank in a weapon skill raises your damage, where, in turn, you need a rank in all 3 defensive skills to negate 1 attack skill.

Now, lets do some math. I've got 6 long-blade. -2 for your defensive skills. Leaves 4. Which is a higher number? 2 or 4? Still stronger after the deductions.

The more you have, the more things go back to normal for you, so keep working.

Where does it say that you need a rank in all three defensive skills for them to effective? I think they are all independent of one another.

Buzz Off
2009.Apr.17, 10:09 AM
RE: your full of shit zen
Post: #138
I think Zenith said that a long while ago.
2009.Apr.17, 10:15 AM
RE: your full of shit zen
Post: #139
(2009.Apr.17 10:09 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote:  I think Zenith said that a long while ago.

Hmmm...i do not remember reading that i will have see if i can find something. Do not feel like working today Smile

Buzz Off
2009.Apr.17, 10:16 AM
RE: your full of shit zen
Post: #140
I'm pretty sure that Zenith said something like that about the defensive skills. To Howlsong, I believe.