i see 4 SV gym rats
2008.Dec.29, 07:17 AM
Post: #91
news just in

Blackmamba just sent me this

28.Dec.08 VaSherRa attacked you and lost.

You did try an SV afterall. how did that feel Biggrin

Conrad attacked the Wranglers and Lost.

Fighting Phish since 2007
2008.Dec.29, 07:19 AM
Post: #92
Great I had no babies to kill at the time Twisted And I needed to refresh anyways. Smile
2008.Dec.29, 07:19 AM
Post: #93
lol FAIL

Conrad attacked the Wranglers and Lost.

Fighting Phish since 2007
2008.Dec.29, 07:19 AM
Post: #94
cheetah Wrote:
ZhuSeth Wrote:Personally, I think the winner is the one who has more fun. Biggrin

In that case, I win, just from mugging you yesterday.

On a side note, such inactivity during a hosping war, tsk tsk:

8313 ^V^ BoundByHonor 27 254 Got caught by the cops in an organized crime. Bail Bust

*blinks* Silly cat, you didn't mug me yesterday.

28.Dec.08 Cheetah hospitalized you.

That's called hospitalization, not mugging.
2008.Dec.29, 08:15 AM
Post: #95
STFU to all of you who think I or any SV has given up. I have been on my mobile the last few days and if I cannot find a target within the first couple of minutes of being out of the hosp I do a gym train. It only makes sense to use the EP wisely. My phone is just not fast enough to keep looking for long since half of AL is head hunting us. But that is okay We will come out on top at the end!

Doing a good job around here is like wetting your pants in a dark suit. You get a warm feeling but nobody really notices!
2008.Dec.29, 08:37 AM
Post: #96
I haven't even talked with SV lately, but I can see their long-term advantage in both theory and execution. The taunting of Ush and others seem to arise from the fact that they cannot replicate nor completely decrypt this.

@ NT, good friend man, but SV didn't push you on this at all. It was quite the other way around. I don't care what has happened in the past and what stories both sides can draw up. This specific incident does not fit with a previous post of yours.

@ Tommi a long way back. I'm not an ex-SV; I'm a "semiretired" SV member (I like that I was able to bring such a term into the game).
2008.Dec.29, 09:10 AM
Post: #97
It's like right now I had to do a gym train because there was no one online to hit. Except for folks to big to hit and my SV bretheran are taking care of them.

Doing a good job around here is like wetting your pants in a dark suit. You get a warm feeling but nobody really notices!
2008.Dec.29, 09:11 AM
Post: #98
Probally why i just hit three more of your babies. bawhahahaha
2008.Dec.29, 09:12 AM
Post: #99
SisterLynx Wrote:Probally why i just hit three more of your babies. bawhahahaha

Awesome lol
2008.Dec.29, 09:14 AM
Post: #100
Howse91 Wrote:It's like right now I had to do a gym train because there was no one online to hit. Except for folks to big to hit and my SV bretheran are taking care of them.

How weak are you?There are plenty of targets around ive just looked.You trained because you wern.t looking so hard and are selfish,just when your gang needs you.Man up and fight damn you.