MrHyde Wrote:Oh and SV was build from the bottom up we are still in the same gang we bought why back in the day when we first started SV added a few more players but its caled maken friends, give it time it might happen for you.
Really? I know most of you gang and I also know most of the players you try to poach..Lets think.Mace.Once he got 20 end,and I was talking to him from the week he started,he got all kinds of join the vills mails even though he had a gang.We would laugh at how you wanted him there...all because he was a big donator.Want to tell me a lie and say that never happened?
Want to tell me more lie's and say you guys never go after the big donators?Ive been asked many times to go back to the vills.You guys only make friends with players you think could benefit your gang and ambitions.Whats the average endurance of all your players in SV'S?