ooohhh. i like this idea for the added realism implications alot lostangel. traveling becomes a much bigger decision. you cant just immediatly start shopping attacking people in the new district.
and while the removal of the locations of non-alies from the uses list was great, this would even add to that. hunting for a particular target in a gang war would require even more patience. not to mention that a weak gang member could spend thier time on the lam, hopping between locales in an effort not to get sniped.
as far of the multiple ideas for travel, ive had the idea ever since people started talking about the addition of purshaceable items or upgrades that there could be upgrades for travel. i.e. you shell out $500,000 on a whip, and then you could travel for free (or a reduced cost if the gas prices in AL are anything like thy are here)
but adding a time element could also enhance that. a bike could allow travel at 3/4 the amount of time as public transportation, car 1/2, helicopter 1/4, teleportation device

....u get the idea
ok real silly now how bout time machines that let u whoop on people where they used to be