Poll: How many times should someone be attackable in a 24-hour period?
3 or less
10 or more
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Official Poll : Attack Limits on Individuals
2006.Oct.25, 09:00 AM
Post: #21
Ya, I agree with that, if the people who do attack a lot spread out their attacks over multiple people, it would be better for everyone as a whole. the one thing I would change is to give the first 3 attacks free, then add say, 15-20% per attack after that. I like the 24 hour rolling period though and the idea itself.
2006.Oct.25, 09:34 AM
Post: #22
like the idea Lost Biggrin
2006.Oct.25, 09:37 AM
Post: #23
how does it keep Fading3 from attacking every player in the game 4 times a day?

im tempted to suggest that Zenith could put a time limiter on attacks. You attack 1-2times and then have to wait 10-20mins before going at it again, maybe 20-30mins.

there is a reason why this discussion came up. Fading3 decided to use the rest of the players in the game as his personal punching balls. Someone got sick of it and decided to let him have a taste of his own medicine.

So how to fix that? By slowing attack rate down. This might hurt those that dont attack 500times a day, but atleast get down the tension in the game that exists at the moment. This problem will solve itself once more players come to the game and theres a wider arrange of people to attack.

Putting in NPC's that doesnt get put into hospital or have a regen rate would solve alot of this. But then you would have to code it too be a vicious NPC with good dex, acc and res. That delivers a good amount of crit hits. A character like this would be used as a lightning rod for many.
2006.Oct.25, 10:29 AM
Post: #24
In my opinion, Fading3 can attack anyone he wants, as long as they are not online. Does it really matter if you were attacked 20 times while you slept? Any player that gains levels quickly will have the same issue. As Fading3 is already learning, it gets harder to level as you get higher up in the pyramid that exists. People are worth less xp, and you need more xp to gain.
If someone has a problem with Fading3 attacking them, then you can pay someone to hit him. Do it often enough then he will leave you alone...
Or you can send him a message asking him not to attack you. But if you are in the upper level group of people that actually provides XP, then I doubt that it will work.
Back to the subject at hand, it would help make some people that Fading3 can beat now multiple times unbeatable after a few attempts.
2006.Oct.25, 10:52 AM
Post: #25
im just using him as an example, this was the reason people held a grudge against casanova ive been told.

i dont lose anything by being attacked, and i accept that i get attacked 3-4 times a day. Only makes it more of a challenge to rise in Combat Proficiency in Pantheon.

Combat Proficiency is the Pantheon ranking i really work for, so having that made so much harder by just 1 person is annoying. Even fading got annoyed by getting attacked alot by the same person (not many other persons can do it tho) I dont whine much, but im human. I get angry like everyone else. But ill try to get even every way i can.
2006.Oct.25, 11:01 AM
Post: #26
Lostangel Wrote:If someone has a problem with Fading3 attacking them, then you can pay someone to hit him. Do it often enough then he will leave you alone...

This is what got this thread started. A hit was hired on him and carried out resulting in the assassin being accused of flirting with rule 9.
2006.Oct.25, 11:07 AM
Post: #27
how many times did he get hit?

[/edit] No, i can get bounced from hospital and back again pretty much 13-16 times a day without getting over 20% in defence modifier, as long as people wait first the 30mins it takes for me to get out of hospital, and then another 20min for me heal up and then 10mins for defence modifier to dissipate.

and if defence modifier would get tweaked to count higher, people would abuse it in gang war. If someone decided to attack Pimpstars2 i could simply mug them over and over and over. building up their defences and make them invincible. thats the risk with adding such a bonus.

please prove me wrong on this, but in 2hours i could buy Pimpstars2 50stimpacks and then bounce them in and out of hospital. (people always leave hospital with 50% health if they use stimpacks, just enough to get attacked) and give them a horrible defence bonus.
2006.Oct.25, 11:15 AM
Post: #28
About 20 I think. About 8 of which were hospitalizations while he was online.
2006.Oct.25, 11:21 AM
Post: #29
on the same day?
2006.Oct.25, 11:25 AM
Post: #30
I like the Defense buff/debuff idea Lupar posted, just make sure that its limited to the two specific players involved or it could be exploited. If a defender recieved a defense buff of 20% globally, he could go out and easily take down a few people well above his level.

As far as in war/out of war hospital times changing, i'd agree that gangs at war should have their hospital times increased. It's amazing how fast a gang can do a 50 respect turn around right now, without the target gang even knowing sometimes. This provides a couple good things.
1. The losing gang has more time in the hospital, there by saving themselves some potential respect that they could lose the minute they step out of the hospital.
2. It makes it more of a "for the long haul" approach for the winning gang, knowing that it is going to take a long time to get 3-5 players in and out of the hospital enough to finish the job.
3. It also gives the losing gang more time to come up with a plan or to even realize that the war is happening as none of the member may be online for a while after war is declared.

Lastly, I would grant a very large dodge or defense bonus to players online. We all hate getting put in the hospital when we're in the middle of something, even if it is during a war. Realistically, we ARE online and should be more capable of defending ourselves than if it was just our offline drone.

OOOHH that gives me a great idea.

How bout a dueling option for players online? Not just the standard combat text, but a live fight where each player is making decisions as to what to do next, maybe even allowing "spectators" to see the fight! Talk about a new element to the game! (Great for bragging rights too)