I'm curious to see what everyone thinks about adding combat limits against individuals over a 24 hour period. I was thinking about making it so you couldn't attack a player more than a certain amount of times to eliminate any "harassment" issues, and preventing any misinterpretations of rules.
Let's see your ideas. I know some players will be for and against this, that is why I want to know what the community thinks before this sort of addition is made. (I wouldn't call it an addition actually, more like just a rules correction.)
Of course, during gang wars, this limit will either be lifted or greatly extended.
Personally, I think it should be unlimited. Its part of the game.
Maybe a better approach is to implement something where a lower level can hit a higher player for cash or something.
When it comes to a player hiring another player to hit someone its kinda pointless if you can only hit them a certain number of times.
I am open to new ideas though if they have justification.
How about just making it so that with each attack from player A on B, player B's defense gets boosted 20%, and for every hour that passes since the last time player A attacked B, then B's defense drops 10% (down to 0 modifier)
This would work from a roleplay perspective, as a person getting attacked by another person would be more diligent in keeping an eye out for them.
We could also make it so that if A attacked B, then B's defense would be +20, and if B then attacked A, B's defense dropped to 10, and A's was set to 20.
The Defense bonus would only be added while on defense, not if the person was attacking.
i think it should be unlimited. but could be a limiter on hospitalization during peacetime.
a person could only get hospitalized a certain number of amounts a day/week
the rest of the stays one can deal with tbh, its just to have stim packs for the 11min stays after you been mugged, or 20-30mins after getting left in shame.
some people are better for XP means, wether they want it or not.
Well, I'm admitedly very new to the game, but in my humble opinion, it ought to be affected by the victim's online/offline status....for example: No limit on how many times a person can be attacked while offline, because that hospital time won't be felt by the player, but attacking someone who is online....or has been within the last half hour or so, limit it to once every 20 minutes or so between leaving the hospital and being re-admitted.
The point being, you can still get attacked plently, but you will also still have some playing time out of the hospital.
My $0.02

yeah thats a pretty good idea, a 20min "safe" time for the guy just put in hospital.
I love the ideas. Keep them coming. You guys are awesome.
attacking same person multiple times a day could also lead to higher chance of getting caught by police. (troubles at the same place often would mean cops knows where to go)
fortification bonus in war and peace time. say youre at war, in war the weakest people are often unable to do anything exept being a meat bot. what if when they lost a certain amount of times, they get a fortification bonus kicking in, 20% boost on skills. they continued to get attacked, boost goes up 30% and up and up. And it doesnt just stoop to 0 after a given time, it falls down 1-2% each tick or so. And percent could be showing on attack page, as a deterant..
in peace time its a bit more tricky cause alot of different people attacking. but still, the same people get attacked alot of times.
I like the idea of having different hospital times for war/peace. A couple more ideas:
How about reducing the hospital times by 1/2 when outside of war.
Disable "Hospitalize" outside of war, since doing so would be a declaration of war in the real world.
Snitch - a feature where the player can choose one target on which to report to the cops. When player A flags player B to the cops, from that point forward, until Player A decides to flag someone else, Player B does 50% less damage to the target, and has a 50% chance of getting busted by the cops with every attack. Each player could target only one other player at a time. If the attacker succeeds in killing the target who snitched on him, the attacker gains 2x exp, while the defender loses 2x exp. Also, if used during war, 2x respect is gained/lost.
i think respect given from combats during war should be based on the player levels. higher levelled people should lose more respect. 0.1 respect each level, or something like that. should stop weaker gangs from getting picked on as much.
there are a multitude of things that could be put in place instead of hospitalizing in peace times, since eternal koor brought up that good idea.
Pacifying/Incapacitating - The hospitalization variant during peace time, means that the attacker has stomped on the players fingers so that he cannot handle weapons for a period of time, decided by his level and a random factor. Cannot be attacked either, ideal to pacify people.
one could do everything else, train etc just not attack for a period extending for longer then an hour.
(edited and spell checked due to morning drowsiness)
the snitch idea could also be put in place to work as a bonfire during peace time. hehe