i understand both Luparkoor and Chris. The defense bonus wont work in this game, maybe other games. just not this. only thing that might work with defence bonus is a setup like this
12AM defender lost, 10% defence modifier against a player, the defence modifier lasts 24hours.
from 12 am to 12am. get another defence modifier against that player and it will end 24 hours from when it is made.
Add in that you cant attack people under half your health (full healths on both) if the person youre attacking has 400HP, and you have 850hp. an attack on him will be utterly massacre, and you know it before you attack.
set in countdown between each attack, thats realistic, you need time to wind down after a hit. not too long so it gets hard too spend EP without ruining happiness.
LuparKoor Wrote:You elders don't know what the game is like at lower levels. You guys started when the game started, and since then have always been capable of beating down any opposition, or having the potential to do so.
Not true for more than half of the elders. You forget that a handful of high level players have left the game. Also, there was a time when some of us were MANY levels below the top. this game does allow for catch-up to somedegree, as it becomes much more difficult to advance at the top. And if you think ive never logged of for a weekend only to return and see 40+ attack notices you are wrong.... during those days it was a GUARANTEE that if i logged of for more than 30 mins, upon returning i would be in hospital. And i will defend chris and sam as they surely know what its like at lower levels; now, i would venture to say they prob attack less than anyone else in the game, and i implore you to find someone who has helped out lower level players more than these two.
What else do you want? Someones gotta be at the top. Remember when it was briefly someone else who's name i wont mention here? There would be so many people in the hospital from one person, my browser would take 5 minutes to load the hospital page.
Yes there might be more higher level players now, but that also means you also have more targets to attack to advance faster, and more players/gangs to ally with if. If you get too easily frustrated by attacks, a diplomatic route can alleviate much of this. Form alliances with other gangs, with no attack clauses. beat up on those who pick on you, etc. this is nothing new. During the old days, there was SO much competition and so few actors, that us 2nd tier players recieved nonstop beatdowns. Im not saying things are necessarily different now in this respect (i really dont know, and try hard not to attck the same people more than once a day), but yes, i have been on the recieving end of it, firsthand, and dont appreciate anyone glossing over my struggle days as if i was born with a golden spoon in my mouth.
Quote:If current trends continue and balances arent made to allow the lower levels to deal with high level bullies, then Zenith and Err will end up with a game containing only the elders and a hand full of players new to the game who soon quit due to the complete lack of balance/fun in being the target of some invincible bullies.
from Z's post a little while back it sounds like this is on the "things to be figured out" list, and i for one am one of the biggest proponents of such an idea.
*note: buy refering to "you" above, im not refering to you specifically LuparKoor, but to anyone in the position you referenced, jus so we're clear :wink:
yeah Sam, i know my posts are to long as well. i apoligize.
Keep it unlimited, as myself at my level I am food for the high levels, but its part of the game, when I log off I expect to have attack notices. I do like the idea of maybe an attack timer or what not, unlimted attack on any person but maybe a 30 min or 1 hour stay of execution from being attacked by the same person after you get treated by the lovely AL nurses
It's obvious having limitations on attacking won't be a good answer. Koor does have some very good points in between his drek-fest and explosions. We need to make a decision to fix things. I doubt everyone will be happy with the decision, but we will try to make things fair.
As for "defense" being raised, I didn't intend for it to be a blanket improvement against everyone who attacks. It would have been only against the person constantly beating down on you, and then only for a certain amount of time. The more I think about it though, and the more I read your posts, it seems like this would have only been a way to treat the symptoms rather than the problem.
Bottom line, we need to implement a "group beat down" option so gangs can smack someone who is too strong for them individually. This would probably make most of the other issues less severe. I do foresee issues with this as well though, since some unsavory players will try to use multiple accounts to benefit.
I think it can be safe to assume that attack limitations based on how I proposed in the beginning of this topic aren't the solution.
In one of my numerous idea threads I posted what I thought would be a good system for a gang hit. Basically using the organized crimes system, and having a countdown after you decide to do the hit so as there is a planning period. Also make it be that only gang members online at the time of the gang attack deal damage, that way you have the more active gangs getting the perks.. even if they are low level.
just aslong as the countdown arent too long
I think 20 minutes would be good. That way it's not instant, but it's also useful
yeah, 20-40mins would be perfect. the best means possible to hand out a whopping continually.
you can teach strong people a lesson by hospitalizing them and be deterred to go to far by stronger gangs.
much better if attackings are unltd (even though i was attacked a lot)...
about the "group beat down" thing...what if the Elders are the one who used that oc to a weak gang ( lv. 1-15?) w/ a members of 10...does that mean there is a high chance they are going to fail??? i think this is the time on which we should make use of the alliance...for example...the bad kidz and its training gang will join forces ( making an OC) to beat down a higher gang...
the defense bonus is a good idea, i think it should be implemented at the 2nd time a person attacked u on the same day...u know, people become stronger and fiercer the more they were beaten up...