In the Grand scheme of things, this game is geared towards the strongest, most well trained players. Regardless of weapon stat requirements, those who have the best stats will be able to use what ever weapon they please to absolutely mangle their competition.
Sure Loki or w00k most likely will not be able to beat Ush or Pun with a P-5, but I assure you they will kill
EVERYBODY else in the game with it. So the reality of the situation is, until somone bucks up the major moola needed to fly past them again (cough**Pullo**cough) whatever weapon they use will decimate the competition.
Zen, you might as well go ahead and code some monster Lazer Rifle, or USH-KILLA 5000, price it through the f'n roof and appease the people who think that their presence here is the reason the game exists. You may only sell one though...