Jolabent Wrote:snow1eopardess Wrote:Going with the first statement: the weather. Whine all you would like about the sun, the moon, the stars, and how the magnetic pull affects the weather.
I would love to hear about that!
I like this whining, so I will go with that. I live in Edmonton, Alberta. In 24 hours we have received the worst snow storm ever in 20 years. We got a foot of snow and extreme white-out conditions. And what did we do yesterday in it and have to finish next Sunday in it? Move...... Now I have my gang whining about how some of them are moving me next sunday in this weather.
So hey....... who wants to whine about all the snow they have gotten this weekend, when it is suppose to be Springtime....... 
i heard about that snow, we all had a good laugh in otario as we speak its 20 degrees celcius here, no foot of snow for us . . haha jola