I was around with the old code and as much fun as it was when you were fighting an evenly matched gang, it was a pain when a gang attacked you who had even only had one member about 5-10 levels above your top member because that one person was able to beat your whole gang.
To bring back the old code now you would have to change alot, one thing that I think is as ush was saying, under the old code a 3 member gang could walk all over a 20+ gang because every fight is 1v1, but this is gang wars and when two gangs fight they do not split up into 1v1 fights and if one gang out numbers the other they sure as hell dont just stand in line and wait there turn to get jumped on, everyone pilles in, so a good thing to add would be a gang op in a war were you can have a few members hell even the whole gang attack one member of the other gang.
Im sure zens just bursting with ideas