(2015.Nov.12 02:36 AM)deadmanwalking Wrote: Hospitalizing all of the donators off of the game (especially the newer ones killed the game)
Where on earth did u come up with this? IF that were true no one would be playing this game. Hospitalizations were not what started this game on its decline.
First it was the gangs ppl purchased and then would lose out from under them while they slept (u are too young for that I think,) then there was an issue with a contest that caused several ppl to leave and b4 the war system changed so that we no longer lost our hideyholes, there was 1 gang of super strong ruffians terrorizing the rest of us! They still didn't scare off all the players.
Hearing ppl bitch and whine about how hard us older players are on the newer players burns my arse and I get tired of hearing it. You younguns have no idea what a hard game really is!
I get your point with your hosp war and all but that worrying that hosping the babies is what killed the game is a load of bull. The game was already in its death-throes when y'all decided to hosp each other over a load of crap.