(2011.Nov.24 07:34 AM)Joshiwa Wrote: (2011.Nov.24 07:15 AM)kalamari00 Wrote: (2011.Nov.24 07:06 AM)awesomo Wrote: Do we get constellation prizes for those of us that can't compete? Or is it winners only that get gifts?
From what I gather it's an all-or-nothing game.
Hope cipher changes his mind and gives goulache or something...
Can't just have fun on the holiday? Gotta whine and try to get something for yourself without much effort. You just had two contests that everyone got stuff from within the last month but that's not good enough for ya? No wonder Zen stopped coding.
Cipher, thanks for the contest.
You may have misunderstood - I was voicing my opinion regarding consumables, AFTER having mailed cipher to thank him for the contest directly. I'm enjoying this contest, just as I did the others, if only to see how well I stack up against everyone else. Plus, its a great change from the gym/crime routine.
I can see why you got the wrong impression from what I wrote, but that's not the way I meant it. I just wanted to point out that I like having the consumables to show for th participation, thats all...