(2010.Nov.10 06:39 PM)Fallout Wrote: (2010.Nov.10 06:27 PM)dnbrocks Wrote: I still don't understand what you people expect? How many bells and whistles can you add to a game like this. It is what it is if you don't like it you can gtfo.
Are you serious?. Did you really type that drek with a straight face?.
Bells and whistles my arse how about some new farging content. Fact of the matter is there has not been a major addition since skills were added to the game.
New crimes, more options to spend gang points on, Item creation and weapon mods are just a couple of things that potentially could be added.
Instead Zen wasted her time revamping a combat system that essentially is a different way of doing the same thing the old system achieved.
But hey if you want to keep making excuses that a game like this can't grow beyond what it is now go right ahead.
+1 ... this post is my exact sentiment to updates for this game. MORE CONTENT! I realize that what ppl find interesting might be different than what I do. But I just want more stuff, plain and simple and easy to program.
Wearables that offer a +1 in each category.
More crimes that offer items as reward. (like sympaks)
More stores that sell consumable bonus items like sympaks ...
This shit would be easy to add because it is basically a simple copy and paste of previous code. I understand it isn't sexy, but I play games to collect crap, so add more.