It sucks top be sleeping during the discussions hahaha
I wanted to add 1stly, I'm aware of the forum rules. In fact, no bashing is a forum rule (which is clearly not followed, and thank the humor gods for that). Then once in a while some modding is done for one insult but not another. This inconsistency is kinda ridiculous
2ndly, DejaVu, I do read the same forums as you do... I just wanted to be nice about it. Put out the idea that people "could" have fun and still be responsible for themselves. (Dick jokes, your momma jokes, etc. are not immature so much as simple. If that's as good as you can lay out a joke, who can blame you for at least trying?

Finally, from what I've read it seems that there needs to be some sort of guideline Zen can make that is very explicit in what a mod can or should mod. Due to people being unable to play harmoniously in the battleground section, either the general forum needs to be bashless

or there just needs to be a proper system which is clear to everyone involved.
What do you think though forum?
If we can have our fun, what should the limits be. What should be modded and what kinda drek should we be able to toss around freely. Should the silly s*** be limited to it's own forum (yet under some limits clearly), to free up the forum proper for things that are more in point about the game? For all that I love the bashing, I agree with Zen that it can be annoying to sift through a ton of crap just to get to any relevant information.