(2010.Mar.24 05:15 PM)dnbrocks Wrote: frag off, i have been called gay on these forums more times than you have had hot dinners.
If you think that this is slanderous then there would be several more inmates in fed jail.
No I won't frag off you asshole!
You obviously don't get the difference in guys who are friends jerking each other off by calling them gay, and adding the "no homo" quote, and someone who knew someone in RL making an accusation against their RL character.
STFU, when you're only being stupid, and not following the actual situation.
SVs vote may be VERY different next time, so you might want to re-think your words!, and despite any "vote", I will support Weebs against a psycho ex who attacked him in RL on the forums, even if I have to leave my gang to do so.