(2010.Mar.02 04:27 AM)Mock8800 Wrote: This is funny. you play this game so much that you've come to the conclusion that the only friends one can have is on a online text based game. I barley play this game while you spend most of your day on here. Just staring at the computer.
Ask yourself how much have you given to this game? When you could have spent that chilling with your friends.
I think your the loser. who has no friends because if you did would you ditch them for this game?
The main reason I'm not in a gang is because of my subtle activity. I don't want to waste a spot in someone's gang. Also I'm loyal to RAGE a word most you don't know what it feels like to be loyal to a gang.
So next time you make false accusations. You should look in the mirror.
you forgot to mention how everyone more than likely is living in their mothers basement.
fuck get it right man.