(2010.Jan.13 05:11 AM)Moriarty Wrote: Attack Dudley burnsides and I get this response
Jack Mort is in the hospital, combat can not continue.
I attacked Xavier Halcon and got the same message. (even about Jack Mort being in the hospital).
(2010.Jan.13 04:15 AM)JohnRambo Wrote: HOSPING MAKES ME NEAR INVINCIBLE heheh
Interesting. I tried hosping two people who both beat me, one who slaughters me, one who takes less than half damage when they attack me.
The one who slaughters me continues to do so, even with a hosp.
The one who, just this morning with the new code, beat me 4 out of 4, each time taking less than half damage (usually less than 1/4 I thnk), I hosped. I took 4 points of damage from them.
I'd say the hosp code is off a bit too

Maybe it's more like a zerk.