Ohwitty come back but wait,, Im going to the cops and putting out a restraining order against you . Seems that with old age come delusions of grander and changes in certain preferences.
humm hey someone call the AL cops we got a bunch of guy running around in animal skins and playing with big horns on there heads..
And So it begins first the cops then the almighty reporters . Off course they are neutral and unbiased

I see it now sarge running around in an animal skirt (not kilt as he prefers the female cut for its smoothness and lack of chaffing on his sensitive thighs)
Please note that today Sarge is wearing a Light peach dyed rat skirt with matching squirrel open blouse. accessories consist of 1 knock off prada purse in orange and a pair of low heel slip ons ( due to the arthiritist) please excuse the veracous veins as he hasnt kept up with his surgery.
Now the bad part is due to poor hygiene them ingrown toenails and yellow colored toes do clash with the outfit.
For those weak of heart and easily sickened we do ask you to maintain at least a 100 foot clearance
More to come from your fashion reporter as we hear that Chri Magagmamgag will be debuting a new line open back with side cut low dress in his favorite color of yellow .