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Chris Mangano

Only in AwakenedLands do you see a criminal RPG with no gang wars. That's about to change though, the Vikings have set sail... Twisted


I agree. A lot of polite people. It looks like a politics game


one contributing factor to this is not being able to declare war on gangs that have so many "brother gangs" that would immediately declare on you if you tried.


Yes, I agree with you. If you declare war to a gang (with almost the same average level of yours), a lot of "aliied" gangs declare war on you, and most of those gangs are more powerfull.

It´s all part of the game, but there is those extremelly powerfull players that "decides" wich wars should go on, and when they must stop.


Great. New wars going on.


We're always open to fair wars as long as both side agrees to it.


yeah, FAIR wars are fun. you know when both sides are approximately equal?


And beside that there is the problem of what if fair? Send mails to offline players to talk about a "friendly war" and them starting it with one side prepared and the other not knowing what is going on is fair?

Chris Mangano

What counts as approximately equal? Cause for as long as I can remember, no matter what we have done, you have said us fighting you is not fair.


I'm actually not saying us fighting you is unfair.
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