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Chris Mangano

Look, I have no problem with other people's sexual preferences, but if you guys are gay just come right out and say it. Calling people "schnookums" and daydreaming of Sarge in animal kilts sounds rather, uhm, questionable to me.


but chris darling... you've never been anything but open with me... why won't you admit it to everyone else though? Why bottle your feelings for me up? It's ok, it's the 21st century, people are more accepting now than they were back in your day!


Chris Mangano Wrote:Look, I have no problem with other people's sexual preferences, but if you guys are gay just come right out and say it. Calling people "schnookums" and daydreaming of Sarge in animal kilts sounds rather, uhm, questionable to me.

wait ill reply in words you can understand

"I know your are but what am I"

dont worry Chris I havent forgotten about you I know this post was to draw attenton to yourself on how lonely and neglected you have been


didn't you know chris? schnookums comes from ancient greek and means fat ugly rat.

Jack Daniels

matt5250 Wrote:didn't you know chris? schnookums comes from ancient greek and means fat ugly rat.

Sarge will be putting his dictionary skills to use to verify this.......update momentarilty....


muahahahahaha now thats a good 1 dam i better get back to my writting .. ok Chris Sarge you got 20 minutes to think of something or have someone else tell you wat to post..

Then Ill have an update for you on your new fashion wear..

PRay tell you may even get a contract with Ugkies r us out of it
IMO, most of this is happening due to leveling being more important then stats early on. Most players save a few couldn't play at such an elite level of activeness as others. Donations have helped some stay ahead or maintain their importance in this game. This led to what is now older payers (one's that have been around the longest) being "almost" untouchable due to them being so insanely active. Most of this is happening due to leveling being more important then stats early on. 99% of the community couldn't keep up with these individuals. Thus so many fewer high ranking members and SO many 13's and below. With recent changes making stats EXTREMELY important it has changed the game SLIGHTLY. Unfortunately IMO the changes came too late. More wars are going to happen but as long as there are people donating heavily/extremely active that are part of the "new generation" of Awakened Lands then the balance of power will shift. Hopefully those in this new movement will have the integrity and foresight to help those lower than them survive and excel at this game. But people, remember this is just a game. *If you don't want to be attacked then drop your members to two and open two more gangs with only two members* This "currently" will make you untouchable during this transition in this game. The game is going through a small evolutionary change as certain new members are beginning their climb to challenge the old regime. And obviously new changes are always being implemented and Zen will keep us on our toes.

No one should be getting personal with each other, this is a game. We come to this site daily to relax, kick some butt, train, escape reality, whatever. If you don't want drama, then get out of your gang. Until you are ready to protect it against the baddest of the bad. Those individuals at the top are at the top for a reason. And until a brave few suck it up play hardcore and donate a drek ton then the results will remain the same. If you don't like what is going on, YOU have the power to change the dynamics of the game! You can't control how others act in this game, until you reach and or exceed that level.

*Intention of this post was and is to blow off steam OBVIOUSLY some will agree and some will disagree with certain points I have made. In no way was this novel written to stir up drek. I will be open for any questions you have but please be kind especially if someone posts something you disagree with. If you wanna curse at me message me privately Smile And of course this is just based on my limited observation, reading the entire history of the forums, and well, personal experience Smile Happy hunting! Smile

*EDIT* While reading this, forgot one thing. Those badass players are there for a reason, whether just insane activity, or insane donatorss, they are there for a reason, and deserve to be. They can act however they want, burn whatever bridges they want and ally whomever they decide to ally. If you don't like it, get busy, get active, and seek to change what is going on.

Chris Mangano

Ushanewnewba Wrote:IMO, most of this is happening due to leveling being more important then stats early on. Most players save a few couldn't play at such an elite level of activeness as others. Donations have helped some stay ahead or maintain their importance in this game. This led to what is now older payers (one's that have been around the longest) being "almost" untouchable due to them being so insanely active. Most of this is happening due to leveling being more important then stats early on. 99% of the community couldn't keep up with these individuals. Thus so many fewer high ranking members and SO many 13's and below. With recent changes making stats EXTREMELY important it has changed the game SLIGHTLY. Unfortunately IMO the changes came too late. More wars are going to happen but as long as there are people donating heavily/extremely active that are part of the "new generation" of Awakened Lands then the balance of power will shift. Hopefully those in this new movement will have the integrity and foresight to help those lower than them survive and excel at this game. But people, remember this is just a game. *If you don't want to be attacked then drop your members to two and open two more gangs with only two members* This "currently" will make you untouchable during this transition in this game. The game is going through a small evolutionary change as certain new members are beginning their climb to challenge the old regime. And obviously new changes are always being implemented and Zen will keep us on our toes.

No one should be getting personal with each other, this is a game. We come to this site daily to relax, kick some butt, train, escape reality, whatever. If you don't want drama, then get out of your gang. Until you are ready to protect it against the baddest of the bad. Those individuals at the top are at the top for a reason. And until a brave few suck it up play hardcore and donate a drek ton then the results will remain the same. If you don't like what is going on, YOU have the power to change the dynamics of the game! You can't control how others act in this game, until you reach and or exceed that level.

*Intention of this post was and is to blow off steam OBVIOUSLY some will agree and some will disagree with certain points I have made. In no way was this novel written to stir up drek. I will be open for any questions you have but please be kind especially if someone posts something you disagree with. If you wanna curse at me message me privately Smile And of course this is just based on my limited observation, reading the entire history of the forums, and well, personal experience Smile Happy hunting! Smile

*EDIT* While reading this, forgot one thing. Those badarse players are there for a reason, whether just insane activity, or insane donatorss, they are there for a reason, and deserve to be. They can act however they want, burn whatever bridges they want and ally whomever they decide to ally. If you don't like it, get busy, get active, and seek to change what is going on.

Damn good post.


yeah ush, I agree with most of that. what else am I suppsed to do for entertainment while in the hospital though? Smile
call your family, they miss you. Jail and Hosp time is when i see my fam, hahaha. I go sit next to my wife and ask her what she's doing and she gets upset and asks if I am only asking her cause I am in jail or hosp. haha!
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