(2011.Oct.27 10:14 PM)Agatha Wrote: Has anyone bothered to ask him if he is going to play his character again?
No, not one of you has, but a hella lot of assumptions have gone on.
The sad part
IS his giving up his character, he has worked damn hard for it to be where he is. He has spent
ENDLESS hours doing it and I for one am sad he is not going to be able to enjoy the benefits of all that work/time spent. This is one of the reasons he is able to understand the game and work on what can be done to make it fun again!
He has given up his character at this time, left the gang and is focusing on things to make the game as fun as it was when he joined it. Once he has caught up with the requests for new things and gotten the hang of it all, I will be the first one telling him to
start working his character again, because he
enjoys the game!
Yes, I
am biased, but any who have spent any time talking to him understand this, he is
all about what is
best for the game.
Now ya'll need to stop bitching and moaning and be happy that we have someone who is trying to do all the things you have asked for !