(2010.May.25 06:02 PM)Thor Wrote: I didnt complain alot in the last year or so but im with spacebird here. Zen should have stood up and gave them the finger when they cried to get better crits.
Now, I too, want a better pistol, 1 that will give me a better crit than I did with my old P5-RUGER (1180), farging 18 months ago, with a weak level 3 skill in pistols!
And while we're at it, it seems the average damage done by my G-Force GOP-10EE isnt higher than what it with the previous pistols, I demand changes!!
Point is, Connie has always been a whinney bi atch, why should have any1 expected any different this time? He cried about the last 2 shottys, few armors, grenades, turrets, grenades, belts, losing to me, losing to Wook and grenades.
Anyone see the pattern here?...
p.s. Even now, Conrad is still 300 smg lower than Cheetah for top hit in the POI, what do you think will happen next? mouahahah 
i think people that dont speak their mind, and accept what falls in front of them are fccking pussssies, Thor. if you do that, then that includes you, darling.
when my boy baggz is hitting over 1200 and me and Pun cant hit 1100 (as we were prior), there is a problem and i'll speak up.