(2009.Jun.07 04:27 AM)Faceless Wrote: deathwing u useless nipple = why dont u post that u hospd me online 2 times (along with that other penis with ears) instead of making it look like we tried to nail you - that was us trying to get payback - youre just a mook who likes to strut around and pretend you belong- get a life and grow up
are you stupid or what? we were supposed to post funny/unexpected events you dipstick
me hospin you does not appear as an event to me

(2009.Jun.07 11:40 AM)NastyFO Wrote: (2009.Jun.07 04:27 AM)Faceless Wrote: deathwing u useless nipple = why dont u post that u hospd me online 2 times (along with that other penis with ears) instead of making it look like we tried to nail you - that was us trying to get payback - youre just a mook who likes to strut around and pretend you belong- get a life and grow up
LMAO... another DW fan.
I love it!

go crawl under a rock you worm
300das old and you still didn't learn offline hits are a part of the game

Time Event Actions
1:34 pm
New! Bad2DeBone attacked you and lost. Delete
1:34 pm
New! Bad2DeBone attacked you and lost. Delete
1:33 pm
New! Bad2DeBone attacked you and lost. Delete
he he he