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Price for SV to disband.

You get your game back. You all better get saving


(2009.Dec.10 12:31 PM)Moriarty Wrote: [ -> ]Price for SV to disband.

You get your game back. You all better get saving

Nothing less would tempt you away from the apron strings eh moriarty!
$50 final offer
(2009.Dec.10 12:32 PM)JohnRambo Wrote: [ -> ]
(2009.Dec.10 12:31 PM)Moriarty Wrote: [ -> ]Price for SV to disband.

You get your game back. You all better get saving

Nothing less would tempt you away from the apron strings eh moriarty!

Thats the price for all our TIME put into this gang and game


(2009.Dec.10 12:33 PM)g2o2d4wp Wrote: [ -> ]$50 final offer

Why bribe them to realise leaving Sv would result in a fun gaming experience for them... I'm quite happy to let them quit out of boredom and in the meantime sit in obscurity
(2009.Dec.10 12:31 PM)Moriarty Wrote: [ -> ]Price for SV to disband.

You get your game back. You all better get saving

you mis-spelled 1.000000000


They're just a bunch of cheap a$$ losers, I doubt they could raise their own weiners, let alone the money


(2009.Dec.10 12:35 PM)Moriarty Wrote: [ -> ]Thats the price for all the TIME pun put into this gang and game, I just ride the coattails of my masters

(2009.Dec.10 12:37 PM)Hannibal Wrote: [ -> ]They're just a bunch of cheap a$$ losers, I doubt they could raise their own weiners, let alone the money

Maybe we could raise the money to buy them all Viagra.
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