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(2009.Dec.10 02:25 PM)zenith Wrote: [ -> ]Sounds familiar Phish. Glad I took a step back from this a year and a half ago.

Thats why we are favourites, we do it so Zen doesnt have to Wink

Whose turn is it next year?
(2009.Dec.10 02:24 PM)thrillhouse Wrote: [ -> ]So, Lycan, VS, Rifraf and I think shadows-any other gangs I've missed?
(2009.Dec.10 02:00 PM)Moriarty Wrote: [ -> ]Conrad, the trouble is you are the only gang that fought, we hoped this would be an AL wide thing. We are guilty of having our heads up our asses on this one. We thought an opportunity for a game wide scrap was wanted/needed. We admit openly we were wrong. We arent fighting Diss/xpats/Val because they gave up. We thought you had too. The you carried on, so did we.

I think Sv are happy for a ceasefire as we admit this failed. Is that a bad reflection on us or the community I dont know. Either way something is wrong and it needs to change.

Asking SV to disband is bull, wont happen as Diss, Xpats, Wranglers and Val wouldnt. Who would destroy what took so long without compensation or a true outcome.

We dont expect respect off the community as it is apparant we have stepped on too many toes. But as a large gang we have a duty to the rest of the game. Demolition chose to destroy, we choose to help where we can, sometime in the form of competitions, sometimes we try doing things like this. This didnt work but we wont give up.

We all can only do with this game what Zen has given us. The example we set passes on to new players in the game. We know because we strove to take down Demolition, I hope to god someone is striving to take down us. If the example the community sets that its all pointless because we are too big then this is a sad day.

I think thats the last I have to say, Ill let dingus, Phish, Thrlll and JR pull this to bits and rubbish it, thats fine.

But lets try discussing this for once, who knows we might get a better game out of it, and from where we are sitting at the moment, It needs it.

Sooooo, with you admitting that SV failed on this one, do we know call any failure in al an SV??????? makes sense to me. Smile

Sv = to fail
(2009.Dec.10 03:59 PM)thehustler Wrote: [ -> ]
(2009.Dec.10 02:00 PM)Moriarty Wrote: [ -> ]Conrad, the trouble is you are the only gang that fought, we hoped this would be an AL wide thing. We are guilty of having our heads up our asses on this one. We thought an opportunity for a game wide scrap was wanted/needed. We admit openly we were wrong. We arent fighting Diss/xpats/Val because they gave up. We thought you had too. The you carried on, so did we.

I think Sv are happy for a ceasefire as we admit this failed. Is that a bad reflection on us or the community I dont know. Either way something is wrong and it needs to change.

Asking SV to disband is bull, wont happen as Diss, Xpats, Wranglers and Val wouldnt. Who would destroy what took so long without compensation or a true outcome.

We dont expect respect off the community as it is apparant we have stepped on too many toes. But as a large gang we have a duty to the rest of the game. Demolition chose to destroy, we choose to help where we can, sometime in the form of competitions, sometimes we try doing things like this. This didnt work but we wont give up.

We all can only do with this game what Zen has given us. The example we set passes on to new players in the game. We know because we strove to take down Demolition, I hope to god someone is striving to take down us. If the example the community sets that its all pointless because we are too big then this is a sad day.

I think thats the last I have to say, Ill let dingus, Phish, Thrlll and JR pull this to bits and rubbish it, thats fine.

But lets try discussing this for once, who knows we might get a better game out of it, and from where we are sitting at the moment, It needs it.

Sooooo, with you admitting that SV failed on this one, do we know call any failure in al an SV??????? makes sense to me. Smile

Sv = to fail

your post = fail GQ

english next time please
pfft.....this proves one thing.....cant make everyone happy all the time and there are a whole lot of players out there that are happy just clicking train, crime, train, crime

the difference in the game now as opposed to its inception and imo the best times ive had playing and what hooked most players under 8000 user id was the incredible drive for underdogs to get back at the isnt happening now cause the strongest players are too nice....

hope we see some new avenues of the game soon....all top players will eventually pull a pullo as there is no reason to keep clicking unless you are like sv....hence why weve lasted and diss ....that most members have become friends and come on here to have fun together

just what we get mor for trying to provide excitement to the al community


(2009.Dec.10 04:52 PM)Punisher Wrote: [ -> ] isnt happening now cause the strongest players are too nice....

Are you out of your mind?

Have you diluted yourself far enough to think that your player personality is the reason no one is hunting you down? Seriously?!?!?!

Punisher, between you and Cheetah I do not doubt that $10,000 has been spent on this game.

You could hosp me for a month straight and in no way would that goat me enough to dump a months paycheck into this game just to "overtake the hosper" ....

Too nice .... Gimme a break.
yes too nice...have i kept you in the hospital for any longer than a few hours just for the hell of players in the past did it all the i make any real money for travelling to get stuff for lower i was ripped off in the past, we repeatedly war day after day the same gang and rape them of again
When does the christmas war start?


Granted I wasn't around way back in the day, but from what I've understood nobody was really donating those heavy kinds of cash, or had really known the full effects of endurance. Seems like most were playing on an even ground. Nowadays seeing how long it has taken people to pass Pullo and now Loki finally being passed makes the thought of catching up to you virtually impossible Pun. My thoughts are how long would it take me to pass you if you stopped playing.


(2009.Dec.10 05:16 PM)Punisher Wrote: [ -> ]yes too nice...have i kept you in the hospital for any longer than a few hours just for the hell of players in the past did it all the i make any real money for travelling to get stuff for lower i was ripped off in the past, we repeatedly war day after day the same gang and rape them of again

you ................................................................................................ the point

Seems like ya missed it ...
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