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So, Lycan, VS, Rifraf and I think shadows-any other gangs I've missed?
I guess the Muthas are fair game-lets get em!
(2009.Dec.10 02:17 PM)Moriarty Wrote: [ -> ]I agree Phish. As regards Lycan we have a long standing agreement to help them that started with Mace. If they ask then we help.

Brugada - Ive admitted to having our head up our asses. Now its your turn.

I've got nothing else to say on the matter then. Its closed on my end.

Just a thought but perhaps in the future if you want to get an AL wide event contact the prez of the gangs you want to involve and plan something or just start it up without some contrived post.

And for gods sake, never let Chance write anything else. Hi Chance!
Yea...Chance Sucks!
(2009.Dec.10 02:14 PM)PhisheVA Wrote: [ -> ]The problem that everyone has with [Zenith] is not that you're [the admin], the problem is sticking your nose in other peoples biz.

You dont get the nickname AL police for nothing.

example, if someone from lets say Lycan does something and it starts a hossy war with X, you come running like the police to intervene. STOP WHAT YOURE DOING OR FACE OUR WRATH.

If Lycan deserved their beat down then let them take it. I rarely see any hossy wars go on for more than a few hrs. People take their lumps and move on.

The point is in 2010 mind your business. Thats what the AL community in general is trying to tell you.

Sounds familiar Phish. Glad I took a step back from this a year and a half ago.


(2009.Dec.10 02:25 PM)zenith Wrote: [ -> ]
(2009.Dec.10 02:14 PM)PhisheVA Wrote: [ -> ]The problem that everyone has with [Zenith] is not that you're [the admin], the problem is sticking your nose in other peoples biz.

You dont get the nickname AL police for nothing.

example, if someone from lets say Lycan does something and it starts a hossy war with X, you come running like the police to intervene. STOP WHAT YOURE DOING OR FACE OUR WRATH.

If Lycan deserved their beat down then let them take it. I rarely see any hossy wars go on for more than a few hrs. People take their lumps and move on.

The point is in 2010 mind your business. Thats what the AL community in general is trying to tell you.

(2009.Dec.10 02:25 PM)zenith Wrote: [ -> ]
(2009.Dec.10 02:14 PM)PhisheVA Wrote: [ -> ]The problem that everyone has with [Zenith] is not that you're [the admin], the problem is sticking your nose in other peoples biz.

You dont get the nickname AL police for nothing.

example, if someone from lets say Lycan does something and it starts a hossy war with X, you come running like the police to intervene. STOP WHAT YOURE DOING OR FACE OUR WRATH.

If Lycan deserved their beat down then let them take it. I rarely see any hossy wars go on for more than a few hrs. People take their lumps and move on.

The point is in 2010 mind your business. Thats what the AL community in general is trying to tell you.

Sounds familiar Phish. Glad I started hiding the SV forums a year and a half ago.
(2009.Dec.10 02:25 PM)zenith Wrote: [ -> ]
(2009.Dec.10 02:14 PM)PhisheVA Wrote: [ -> ]The problem that everyone has with [Zenith] is not that you're [the admin], the problem is sticking your nose in other peoples biz.

You dont get the nickname AL police for nothing.

example, if someone from lets say Lycan does something and it starts a hossy war with X, you come running like the police to intervene. STOP WHAT YOURE DOING OR FACE OUR WRATH.

If Lycan deserved their beat down then let them take it. I rarely see any hossy wars go on for more than a few hrs. People take their lumps and move on.

The point is in 2010 mind your business. Thats what the AL community in general is trying to tell you.

Sounds familiar Phish. Glad I took a step back from this a year and a half ago.

Dont get me started again admin Lady. Lets let sleeping dogs lie. Smile
(2009.Dec.10 02:17 PM)Moriarty Wrote: [ -> ]Brugada - Ive admitted to having our head up our asses. Now its your turn.

I understand what you wrote. But my head has been in the sand trying ti hide fom SV, so I havent had time ti put it up my bum yet. I may put my azzhat on later tonight though. Wink
Hi Phish! Write what?


(2009.Dec.10 02:00 PM)Moriarty Wrote: [ -> ]Conrad, the trouble is you are the only gang that fought, we hoped this would be an AL wide thing. We are guilty of having our heads up our asses on this one. We thought an opportunity for a game wide scrap was wanted/needed. We admit openly we were wrong. We arent fighting Diss/xpats/Val because they gave up. We thought you had too. The you carried on, so did we.

I think Sv are happy for a ceasefire as we admit this failed.

Fix'd and agreed
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