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Was it all worth it??

what i mean is,

Was it worth donateing all that money to watch players fall in this Cyber Holocaust?

Could the money have been better spent by you??

Is this something your going to look back on and be proud of?

Or are you going to regret the 10k+ you have spent on this cyber text based world?

This is not just for you Punisher , just something to ponder, and make you feel shitty lol

nighty night


(2009.Dec.11 02:06 AM)JagerBomb Wrote: [ -> ]Questions.....

Was it all dong bag'd??

what i dong is,

Was it worth dongnateing all that money to watch players fall in this Cyber Holodong Bag?

Could the money have been better spent by your dong bag??

Is this dong something your going to sit back on and be proud of?

Or are you going to regret the 10k+ Dong Bag's you have spent on this cyber Dong based world?

This is not just for you Dongisher , just something to ponder, and make you feel Dongy lol

nighty night
Let's make a Stat and Level Cap.

Once you reach that Cap, everyone has a choice to restart their character. When you restart, that's the only way to get the best weapon / Armor in the game.
(2009.Dec.11 08:42 AM)ZeonOne Wrote: [ -> ]Let's make a Stat and Level Cap.

Once you reach that Cap, everyone has a choice to restart their character. When you restart, that's the only way to get the best weapon / Armor in the game.

With all the money people put in that would be a waste just to get a weapon. Most would rather keep their higher level/stats, than sacrifice all of their time and money to get some pea shooter.
Just start donating to a different game that is built better. Thats what I have done
Well I know you too well
And I know you're no villain
I said don't look now
Cause I’m ripping of Dylan
What you see is a little crusty
The real things the filling
(2009.Dec.10 05:53 PM)cheetah Wrote: [ -> ][quote='BlackHand' pid='151552' dateline='1260488662']
I'm not being combative here but from people that I've spoken with, and myself

You speak to yourself often?

Daily actually. Thanks for your concern. Don't you have someone to threaten?
I think your math is off.

If you figure you make 5 per hour and you spend probably 5 minutes per hour playing AL for most it more but keeping it simple. 20 people for 2 years again they average higher then that but keeping it simple. at 12 hours a day spending 5 minutes per hour over the course of two years that's. 876 hours and times that by $5. $4380 divide that by 20 = 219 * 2300 = 503700 credits which if sold for 200 each =

$100,740,000 Thus SV is really worth 100,740,000.

But again minimum wage in the U.S. is $7.25 per hour and most SV members play for more then 5 minutes a hour. Also they have had more then 20 member for over the past two years. But I don't think that would equal 1 billion. lol
(2009.Dec.11 12:03 PM)Mock8800 Wrote: [ -> ]I think your math is off.

If you figure you make 5 per hour and you spend probably 5 minutes per hour playing AL for most it more but keeping it simple. 20 people for 2 years again they average higher then that but keeping it simple. at 12 hours a day spending 5 minutes per hour over the course of two years that's. 876 hours and times that by $5. $4380 divide that by 20 = 219 * 2300 = 503700 credits which if sold for 200 each =

$100,740,000 Thus SV is really worth 100,740,000.

But again minimum wage in the U.S. is $7.25 per hour and most SV members play for more then 5 minutes a hour. Also they have had more then 20 member for over the past two years. But I don't think that would equal 1 billion. lol

Rage shows their face in the Great Christmas Dong Bag war of 09'
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